
According to an article in The New Yorker on February 14, 2005: “U.S. human rights lawyer Scott Horton said up to 150 people had been rendered by the CIA between 2001 and 2005.”  – Ahmed Rashid, Descent Into Chaos, Page 305 […]

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“According to one official count [mentioned in a Washington Post article on February 11, 2005], there were thirty-three separate terror warnings in 2001; and after the 9/11 Commission issued its final report, we learned of another fifty-two alerts from the FAA [Federal Aviation Administration] that they had somehow neglected to include. Five of the security […]

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Counselor to the State Department Philip Zelikow presented Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice with a Memorandum to the Secretary of State on February 10, 2005. ” ‘At this point Iraq remains a failed state shadowed by constant violence and undergoing revolutionary political change,’ Rice read. This was a shocking notion–‘a failed state,’ after two years, […]

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“On February 10, 2005, [counselor to the State Department Philip] Zelikow issued a 15-page report classified SECRET/NODIS–secret, no distribution–meaning that copies should go to no one other than [Secretary of State Condoleezza] Rice herself. It concluded, ‘Iraq remains a failed state shadowed by constant violence.’ ”  – Bob Woodward, The War Within, Page 30 […]

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In an article on February 6, 2005, “When Steve Coll of the Washington Post asked sixty nuclear and terrorism experts at the Los Alamos National Laboratory about the likelihood of a nuclear terrorist attack on U.S. soil in the next several decades, only three or four thought the chance was negligible.”  – Daniel Benjamin and […]

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On February 6, 2005, former Secretary of State Colin Powell “gave an interview to the Telegraph in London saying he was very sore about the way his speech [to the UN Security Council on February 5, 2003] had worked out. ‘I will forever be known as the one who made the case [for invading Iraq],’ […]

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Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar met with President Bush on February 5, 2005, and told him he had evidence of bin Laden’s whereabouts. “Bandar said the Saudis planned to send a military or intelligence unit to the spot and get bin Laden. ‘We’re not going to go through a trial,’ Bandar explained. ‘We get him, we […]

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In his February 2, 2005, State of the Union Address, President George W. Bush stated: “Recently an Iraqi interpreter said to a reporter, “Tell America not to abandon us.” He and all Iraqis can be certain: While our military strategy is adapting to circumstances, our commitment remains firm and unchanging. We are standing for the freedom […]

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In his State of the Union address on February 2, 2005, President Bush said: ” ‘the victory of freedom in Iraq will strengthen a new ally in the war on terror.’ ”  – Daniel Benjamin and Steve Simon, The Next Attack, Page 236 […]

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During a discussion on situation in Iraq while in Iraq, “Casey [General George W. Casey Jr] was in charge of our Iraq Command, and he did his best to put a positive face on the situation. John McCain seemed impatient, even grumpy with the four-star general as he sought information about the training of Iraqi […]

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