“A suspected al-Qaida in Iraq suicide bomber smashed a truck loaded with TNT and toxic chlorine gas into a police checkpoint in Ramadi on Friday [April 6, 2007], killing at least 27 people–the ninth such attack since the group’s first known use of a chemical weapon in January.” – Steven R. Hurst, “Suicide Chlorine Bombing […]
Regarding the war in Iraq, on April 5, 2007, “Retired Gen. Sir Michael Rose, one of the most prominent British officers of recent years, called on the Americans to ‘admit defeat’ and bring the troops home.” – Thomas E. Ricks, The Gamble, Page 188 […]
“In 2004, the 9/11 Commission said there had been prewar contacts between Iraq and Al Qaeda but no ‘collaborative operational relationship,’ a finding that was backed up subsequently by a declassified Pentagon report in [April 5] 2007.” – Elisabeth Bumiller, Condoleezza Rice: An American Life, Pages 194-195 […]
On April 1, 2007, “Matthew Dowd, the political strategist who helped steer [President] Bush to the White House twice, broke with the president over the war [in Iraq]. He wrote an op-ed article titled ‘Kerry Was Right,’ arguing that it was time to withdraw from Iraq, and although he could not bring himself to publish […]
“Visiting Iraq at the beginning of April [2007], Senator John McCain [R-AZ] expressed ‘cautious, very cautious optimism’ about the effects of the new [troop surge] strategy. ‘We’ve made tremendous mistakes,’ he said in Baghdad on April Fool’s Day, ‘but we’re finally getting it right. And is it too little, too late? I don’t know, but […]
“In March [28, 2007], King Abdullah, the 82-year-old monarch [of Saudi Arabia], issued a stinging rebuke of the large U.S. troop presence in Iraq, calling it an ‘illegitimate foreign occupation.’ “ – Bob Woodward, The War Within, Page 347 […]
In the March 2007 issue of the quarterly journal Civil Wars, Professor Adam Cobb wrote: ” ‘No state has ever given terrorists more power than it, itself possesses. There is no incentive for rogue regimes to hand over their hard won nuclear capabilities, prestige and power to AQ [al Qaeda]. Regimes like Kim Jong Il’s […]
“For years the Bush administration had insisted there had been no abuses and that critics, like myself and the ACLU, were wrong. It mostly stopped doing that once the inspector general’s report on abuses related to national security letters came out [issued 3/19/2007]. Those abuses proved our point- the need for better checks on the […]
In his March 17, 2007, Radio Address, President Bush said: “Our troops urgently need Congress to approve emergency war funds. Over the past several weeks, our Nation has begun pursuing a new strategy in Iraq. Under the leadership of General David Petraeus, our troops have launched a difficult and dangerous mission to help Iraqis secure their […]
During the National Republican Congressional Committee dinner President Bush had this to say regarding a timetable on Iraq: "Today, the United States Senate wisely rejected a resolution that would have placed an artificial timetable on our mission in Iraq. And I thank the Republicans and Democrats who voted down that resolution. Many of those members […]