
In an interview with CNN war correspondent Christiane Amanpour on March 17, 2004, former UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix “said that the U.S. government has ‘the same mind frame as the witch hunters of the past’–looking for evidence to support a foregone conclusion. ‘There were about 700 inspections, and in no case did we […]

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From “Findings” in the report “Iraq on the Record: The Bush Administration’s Public Statements on Iraq,” prepared for Rep. Henry A. Waxman, dated March 16, 2004: “The Iraq on the Record database contains 237 misleading statements about the threat posed by Iraq that were made by President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary Rumsfeld, Secretary Powell, […]

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In a New York Times interview published March 16, 2004, chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix said: ” ‘I think they [the Bush Administration] had a set mind,’ said Blix, ‘They wanted to come to the conclusion that there were weapons. …You could say that Iraq was perhaps as much punitive as it was preemptive. […]

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“The [March 16, 2004] Pew [Global Attitudes Project] poll found that bin Laden is viewed favorably by large percentages in Pakistan (65 percent), Jordan (55 percent), and Morocco (45 percent), all key allies in the war on terrorism.”  – Peter Bergen, The Osama bin Laden I Know, Page xxviii […]

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“In [March 16] 2004 a Pew poll found al Qaeda’s leader [Osama bin Laden] had a 65 percent favorability rating among Pakistani men; the highest rating in any of the six Muslim countries that Pew polled that year.”  – Peter Bergen, The Osama bin Laden I Know, Page 400 […]

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“Forty democratic senators were gathered for a lunch in March [2004] just off the Senate floor. I [journalist Ron Suskind] was there as a guest speaker. [Senator] Joe Biden [D-DE] was telling a story, a story about the president [Bush]. ‘I was in the Oval Office a few months after we swept into Baghdad,’ he […]

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“The next chance to target [al-Qaida deputy Ayman] al-Zawahri came in mid-March 2004, former officials said. A detainee in U.S. custody passed along information about a possible al-Qaida hideout in the mountainous northwest Pakistani region of South Waziristan, where government troops, helicopters and planes were mounting a military offensive against militants. The CIA passed the […]

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On March 15, 2004, “In an Associated Press story titled ‘Officials Worry of Pre-Election Attack,’ USA Today quoted a political psychologist as to the ‘staggering’ implications of the [March 11, 2004] attack in Madrid [Spain]: ‘This is the first time that a terrorist act has influenced a democratic election. This is a gigantic, loud wakeup […]

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In the March 2004, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Professor James P. Pfiffner wrote: “ ‘From the publicly available evidence, the president [Bush] misled the country in implying that there was a connection between Saddam and 9/11. The administration’s claims about Iraq’s nuclear capacity were based on dubious evidence that was presented in a misleading manner. … Claims of […]

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In February 2004, “Army Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, ordered a criminal investigation [of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib], and by March [2004] the U.S. military had brought charges against six soldiers in connection with the abuse and suspended eleven others.” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting […]

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