“On April 24, 2004–less than two weeks after the decision to stop offensive operations in Fallujah, and less than a week after the decision to stop all efforts to kill or capture [Iraqi theologian and political leader] Muqtada al-Sadr in Najaf, President Bush addressed the Newspaper Association of America in Washington, D.C. ‘We’re not going […]
“In his April 23 [2004] televised address to the Iraqi people, [Director of Reconstruction in Iraq Paul] Bremer announced three policy adjustments that responded to the concerns of U.S. civilian and military officials about the need to bring in the Sunnis. First, he expressed a willingness to welcome back officers and soldiers who had ‘served […]
“A poll conducted for the CPA [Coalition Provisional Authority] by the Independent Institute for Administration and Civil Security Studies from April 14 to 23, 2004, in six large Iraqi cities, including Baghdad, Basra, and Mosul, reported that 55 percent of respondents said they would feel ‘more safe’ if Coalition forces left immediately. Forty-one percent of […]
“After Cpl. Pat Tillman, the former-NFL-star-turned-Ranger, was accidentally killed by his own troops in Afghanistan in April [22] 2004, [Commanding General of the Joint Special Operations Command Stanley] McChrystal took an active role in creating the impression that Tillman had died at the hands of Taliban fighters. He signed off on a falsified recommendation for […]
Pat Tillman, who left his career in the NFL to become an Army Ranger, was killed in Afghanistan on April 22, 2004. “Less than a month after the army had released a stirring description of the circumstances of Tillman’s death charging up a hill in Afghanistan, Central Command issued a perfunctory new release saying that […]
“…a U.S. Marine unit, acting independently, raided a chicken farm [in Iraq] on Thursday, April 22 [2004], in an operation called Rio Grande. The marines found a small laboratory, some chemicals (including the chemical-agent precursors TEA and chlorine), and some documents that appeared related to chemical-agent production. …In addition to the laboratory materials, they found […]
In a speech on the House floor on April 22, 2004, Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) said: “Evidence has shown that there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and the guerilla attacks on New York and Washington, and since no weapons of mass destruction were found, other reasons are given for invading Iraq. The real reasons […]
Then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld wrote: “When asked by reporters about the first signs of a sustained and organized resistance in April 2004 following the flare-up in Fallujah [Iraq], I said [on April 20, 2004], ‘Thugs and assassins and former Saddam henchmen will not be allowed to carve out portions of that city and to […]
On April 17, 2004, The Washington Post ran a front-page story, which read: ” ‘The intensive war planning throughout 2002 created its own momentum, according to Plan of Attack by Bob Woodward, fueled in part by the CIA’s conclusion that Saddam Hussein could not be removed from power except through a war and CIA Director […]
“The staff of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States reported in the spring of 2004 that Sudan arranged contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda during the mid-1990s, including a meeting between an Iraqi intelligence officer and bin Laden in 1994. These and other sporadic, mid-level contacts ‘do not appear to have resulted […]