
“The [9/11 Commission] hearings also produced the assertion by former [New York City] mayor Rudolph Giuliani that even if he had been fully briefed by the Bush administration about the dire terror warnings throughout the summer of 2001, he would not have acted any differently in terms of altering the city’s preparedness in the days […]

Read More… from 5/20/2004


In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on May 19, 2004, Commander of ground forces in Iraq, Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, said: ” ‘As the senior commander in Iraq, I accept responsibility for what happened at Abu Ghraib, and I accept as a solemn obligation the responsibility to ensure that it does not happen […]

Read More… from 5/19/2004


National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice’s testimony, on May 19, 2004, before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the number of meetings held by national security principals in the summer of 2001: “We show 33 Principals Committee meetings during this period of time, not 100. We show that three of those dealt at least partially with […]

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On May 18, 2004, Coalition Provisional Authority leader L. Paul Bremer sent a message to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Bremer “noted that the deterioration of the security situation [in Iraq] since April had made it clear…that we were trying to cover too many fronts with too few resources. We were attempting to control borders, […]

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9/11 Commission member John Lehman told the New York emergency response agencies on May 18, 2004: ” ‘Gentlemen… I agree with you all that we certainly have the finest police and fire departments, Port Authority Police, anywhere in the world. …And I think the command and control communications of this city’s public service is a […]

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Former CIA Agent Robert Baer told the New Statesman on May 17, 2004: ” ‘If you want a serious interrogation, you send a prisoner to Jordan. If you want them to be tortured, you send them to Syria. If you want someone to disappear, never to see them again, you send them to Egypt.’ ” […]

Read More… from 5/17/2004


“Another very publicized attack that [al Qaeda in Iraq leader] Abu Musab al-Zarqawi likely perpetrated was a mid-May [17, 2004] suicide car bomb explosion just outside the Green Zone [in Baghdad]. Seven Iraqis were killed and five wounded. One of the dead was Governing Council President Ezzedine Salim.”  – Ricardo S. Sanchez with Donald T. […]

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In an appearance on Meet the Press on May 16, 2004, Secretary of State Colin Powell discussed his February 2003 speech to the U.N. in which he called for regime change in Iraq. Powell said: ” ‘the sourcing was inaccurate and wrong and, in some cases, deliberately misleading, and for that I am disappointed and […]

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In May 2004, “an e-mail written by a senior FBI agent in Iraq in 2004 specifically stated that President George W. Bush had signed an Executive Order approving the use of military dogs, sleep deprivation and other tactics to intimidate Iraqi detainees.” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.]  – Jason […]

Read More… from 5/15/2004


“In May 2004 the Department of Defense announced the formation of an Administrative Review Board (ARB). The ARB assessed whether detainees [at Guantanamo] posed a threat to the United States or its allies in the war on terror and whether other factors, such as a suspect’s intelligence value, required his continued detention. There were three […]

Read More… from 5/15/2004