
“In December [9] 2005, Douglas Jehl reported in the New York Times that the Bush administration had based a false assertion linking Iraq and al Qaeda on the word of a prisoner who had been tortured in Egypt and fabricated the intel to escape harsh treatment.”  – Peter Lance, Triple Cross, Page 407 […]

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“In a December [8] 2005 video, [al Qaeda second-in-command] Ayman al Zawahiri called for al Qaeda fighters to ‘focus their attacks on the stolen oil of the Muslims.’ Referring to the purchase of oil at then-market prices as history’s greatest theft, he continued, ‘The enemies of Islam are consuming this vital resource with unparalleled greed. […]

Read More… from 12/8/2005


“Wayne White, the head of the State Department’s Iraqi intelligence team from 2003 to 2005, observed [in a Washington Post article on December 8, 2005]: ‘Progress [on reconstruction] is running far behind Iraqi expectations in virtually every area. In their view, most Iraqis are not seeing *amazing progress.* All too many of them live in […]

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” ‘At no time did the United States agree to inhumane acts or torture,’ [Secretary of State Condoleezza] Rice said in a public portion of her presentation to the NATO foreign ministers [on December 8, 2005]. ‘Even if terrorists are not covered by the Geneva Conventions, they have still applied the principles governing those Geneva […]

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“President Bush acknowledged yesterday [December 7, 2005] that the multibillion-dollar reconstruction of Iraq has ‘been uneven’ and hobbled by corruption, misplaced priorities and insurgent attacks, but maintained that ‘quiet, steady progress’ would ultimately transform the country. …Bush described several strategic errors in managing a rebuilding effort that he said proceeded in ‘fits and starts.’ By […]

Read More… from 12/7/2005


In a speech on December 7, 2005, “President Bush acknowledged that the rebuilding [in Iraq] had been slowed by violence, corruption, and misplaced priorities. By the time Bush spoke, only $12 billion of the $21 billion allocated for that purpose had been spent, and more than a quarter of that had gone to pay security […]

Read More… from 12/7/2005


” ‘The reason she [Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice] is able to say that the United States does not engage in torture is that the [Bush] administration has redefined torture to exclude any technique that they use,’ said Tom Malinowski, Washington director of Human Rights Watch. ‘What makes this awkward for Secretary Rice is that […]

Read More… from 12/6/2005


Then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said, in a press statement on December 5, 2005: ” ‘For decades, the United States and other countries have used *renditions* to transport terrorist suspects from the country where they are captured to their home country or to other countries where they can be questioned, held or brought to justice.’ […]

Read More… from 12/5/2005


Following the completion of the 9/11 Commission Report, its chairmen, “former Congressman Lee Hamilton and former New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean now lead the 9/11 Public Discourse Project. …In late [December 5] 2005 it condemned the president [Bush] and the Congress for not implementing all of its original recommendations and issued a ‘report card’ evaluating […]

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On December 5, 2005, “Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reiterated, ‘The United States has not transported anyone, and will not transport anyone, to a country when we believe he will be tortured.’ “  – Peter Bergen, The Longest War, Page 100 […]

Read More… from 12/5/2005