
Senator John “McCain [R-AZ] said he opposes waterboarding, a technique that simulates drowning, and any form of torture tactics. He said that they could be used against Americans and that their use damages the nation’s character and reputation. ‘I do not believe they are necessary to our success in our war against terrorists, as the advocates of these techniques claim they are,’ he said. ‘Ultimately, this is about morality. What is at stake here is the very idea of America–the America whose values have inspired the world and instilled in the hearts of its citizens the certainty that, no matter how hard we fight, no matter how dangerous our adversary, in the course of vanquishing our enemies we do not compromise our deepest values,’ he said. ‘We are America, and we hold ourselves to a higher standard. That is what is really at stake.’ ”

 – Donna Cassata, “McCain Says Torture did not Lead to bin Laden,” Associated Press, May 12, 2011