
President Barack Obama “issued an executive order during his first days in office [on January 22, 2009] that limited all interrogations to the techniques used by the American military and detailed in the U.S. Army Field Manual.”  – John Kiriakou with Michael Ruby, The Reluctant Spy, Page 190 […]

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“On January 21, 2009, on his second day in the Oval Office… [President Barack] Obama ordered the Guantanamo prison to be closed within a year, officially ended the use of secret prisons by the CIA, and required all interrogations to follow the noncoercive methods of the Army field manual. And he ordered a six-month review […]

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“The ‘salient issue [in Iraq] was not whether Saddam had stockpiles of WMD but whether he could produce them and place them in the hands of terrorists,’ wrote [former Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee Chairman Richard] Perle in January [21] 2009. ‘The [Bush] administration’s appalling inability to explain that this is what it was thinking […]

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When President Barack Obama took office on January 20, 2009, “The United States had 161,000 troops in Iraq but only 32,000 in Afghanistan (along with 29,000 NATO troops).”  – Ahmed Rashid, Pakistan on the Brink, Page 74 […]

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“Taking the most conservative figures of Iraqi civilian dead from Iraq Body Count, which relied on morgue data and media accounts, and therefore almost certainly undercounted the total number of victims, at least ninety thousand Iraqis had died in the war by the time [President] Bush left office [on January 20, 2009].”  – Peter Bergen, […]

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“By the time the Obama administration came into office [on January 20, 2009] seven years after the prison had opened, of the some eight hundred detainees sent to Guantanamo, the government had convicted only three prisoners.”  – Peter Bergen, The Longest War, Page 106 […]

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“In his [inaugural] address [on January 20, 2009], [President Barack] Obama devoted one sentence to the wars: ‘We will begin to responsibly leave Iraq to its people and forge a hard-earned peace in Afghanistan.’ ”  – Bob Woodward, Obama’s Wars, Page 75 […]

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“Since its inception in January 2009, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has claimed responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks against Saudi, Korean, Yemeni and U.S. targets.” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.]  – Mohammed Jamjoom, “Official: Yemen Launches Fierce Offensive Against al Qaeda,” CNN, Sep. 21, 2010 […]

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” ‘Freedom,’ [President] Bush declared [in his farewell address on January 15, 2009], ‘is the universal gift of Almighty God.’ ”  – Bing West, The Wrong War, Page 112 […]

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