
“Calling for a new ‘vital line of defense’ against terrorists, Attorney General John Ashcroft proposed Justice Department regulations today [June 5, 2002] that would require 100,000 foreign students, tourists, researchers and other visitors to register with the federal government. Mr. Ashcroft said any foreigner who might pose ‘a national security concern,’ would be covered by […]

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“United States intelligence and law enforcement officials said today [June 4, 2002] that they had concluded that a possible relative of Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, who coordinated the first bombing of the World Trade Center, in 1993, and a later unsuccessful plot to bomb American airliners over the Pacific, played a pivotal role in planning the […]

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President Bush discussed 9/11 intelligence issues at the National Security Agency on June 4, 2002. ” ‘In terms of whether or not the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. were communicating properly,’ he said, ‘I think it is clear that they weren’t…’ ”  – Maureen Dowd, “Wedge on the Potomac,” The New York Times, June 5, 2002 […]

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“…when Syrian president Bashar al-Assad asked for help from Jordan and Iraq [for flood relief after a dam burst on June 4, 2002], Saddam knew what he would do. For him, the disaster in Syria was a gift, and there, posing as shipments of supplies and equipment sent from Iraq to aid the relief effort, […]

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On June 1, 2002, President Bush “told nearly one thousand graduates at the United States Military Academy at West Point that the Cold War doctrines of containment and deterrence were irrelevant and that sometimes the only strategy for defeating America’s new enemies would be to strike them first. The new doctrine was known as preemptive […]

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In his commencement address at West Point on June 1, 2002, President Bush said: ” ‘Deterrence, the promise of massive retaliation against nations, means nothing to shadowy terrorist networks with no nation or citizens to defend.’ He added, ‘Containment is not possible when unbalanced dictators with weapons of mass destruction can deliver those weapons or […]

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President Bush’s commencement address at West Point on June 1, 2002, which contained elements later known as the ‘Bush Doctrine,’ said: ” ‘To forestall or prevent…hostile acts from our adversaries…the United States will, if necessary, act preemptively.’ “  – Lawrence F. Kaplan and William Kristol, The War Over Iraq, Page 75 […]

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“Just as on March 12, 1947, [President Harry] Truman unveiled the doctrine that carries his name, pledging to confront Soviet expansionism wherever it emerged and to promote freedom, so on June 1, 2002, [President] Bush previewed the doctrine that carries his name, pledging to preempt threats wherever they arose and to promote freedom. One president […]

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“[I]n an address at West Point [on June 1, 2002], [President] Bush elaborated on themes he had in the past applied primarily to Iraq, spelling out what would henceforth be known as the Bush Doctrine. First, he said that the United States would no longer rely solely on ‘Cold-War doctrines of containment and deterrence.’ Instead, […]

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In his commencement address at West Point on June 1, 2002, President Bush said: ” ‘The peoples of Islamic nations want and deserve the same freedoms and opportunities as people in every nation, and their governments should listen to their hopes.’ ”  – Lawrence F. Kaplan and William Kristol, The War Over Iraq, Page 101 […]

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