
“…the Brooking Institution’s Middle East analyst, Shibley Telhami, writes in the New York Times [on October 7, 2002] that ‘Democracy cannot be imposed through military forces, even if force is used successfully to oust antidemocratic dictators.’ “  – Lawrence F. Kaplan and William Kristol, The War Over Iraq, Page 98 […]

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” ‘Liberty for the Iraqi people is a great moral cause, and a great strategic goal,’ the president [Bush] said in his Cincinnati [Ohio] address [on October 7, 2002]. Why a strategic goal? ‘Free societies do not intimidate through cruelty and conquest,’ Bush explained, ‘and open societies do not threaten the world with mass murder.’ […]

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According to presidential Advisor Karl Rove, former ambassador “Joe Wilson was wrong [in his July 6, 2003, New York Times op-ed ] when he said he debunked forged documents sold to Italian intelligence and passed on to the French that appeared to document Iraqi attempts to buy uranium for nuclear weapons. He [Wilson] later claimed […]

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” ‘We know that Iraq and the Al Qaeda terrorist network share a common enemy–the United States of America. We know that Iraq and Al Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go back a decade,’ and that ‘Iraq has trained Al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases,’ he [President Bush] said in […]

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“…when [President] Bush told the nation on the evening of October 7 [2002] that Hussein was an imminent threat to the security of this country, he was telling millions of Americans the exact opposite of what is own CIA was telling him. In other words, to further his own personal agenda, Bush lied to the […]

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In a speech in Cincinnati, Ohio, on October 7, 2002, President Bush said: ” ‘Hussein is a threat to peace and must disarm. The Iraqi dictator must not be permitted to threaten America and the world with horrible poisons and diseases and gasses and atomic weapons. …Some ask how urgent this danger is to America […]

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“In his speech in Cincinnati [Ohio] on October 7, 2002, President Bush had warned that Iraqi weapons of mass destruction could come into the hands of terrorists. It was one of the major concerns he highlighted before the critical congressional vote authorizing the use of force against Iraq.”  – Charles Duelfer, Hide and Seek, Page […]

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Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith used his Office of Special Plans unit to brief the CIA on intelligence linking Saddam and al Qaeda. The CIA ignored the briefing, having already discounted most of the material. “Feith’s road show turned around and gave the same briefing at the White House for senior officials. …But […]

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On October 7, 2002, in a letter to Bob Graham (D-FL), the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, CIA Director George Tenet summarized the current intelligence reporting on the relationship between Iraq and al Qa’ida. “The CIA, he declared, had ‘solid’ and ‘credible’ information on the relationship, which had been developing for years in spite […]

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Referring to a speech made by President Bush on October 7, 2002, Senator Bob Graham (D-FL) said that President Bush’s rhetoric was misleading the public toward war with Iraq: “These claims [of an Iraq/al-Qaeda connection] were effective. At the time, a poll showed that 70 percent of Americans believed that Saddam Hussein was involved in […]

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