
President George W. Bush concerns regarding the Operation Iraqi Freedom: “One of the big concerns early on was the Southern oil fields. As you all remember, we had discussions about that. There was a lot of speculation about whether or not coalition forces would be able to get to the Southern oil fields in time, before — […]

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“Private Jessica Lynch became an icon of the war [in Iraq], and the story of her capture by the Iraqis and her rescue by US special forces became one of the great patriotic moments of the conflict. But her story is one of the most stunning pieces of news management ever conceived. Private Lynch, a […]

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At Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait, on the morning of March 23, 2003, Sergeant Asan Akbar “rolled three grenades into three tents in the heart of the command. When the stunned occupants rushed out, a gunman [Akbar] sprayed them with an assault rifle. One soldier was killed on the spot, and fifteen more were wounded, one […]

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In Nasiriya, Iraq, on March 23, 2003, “members of the 507th Maintenance Company are ambushed; eleven soldiers die, and five are taken prisoner, including Private First Class Jessica Lynch.”  – Todd S. Purdum and The New York Times Staff, A Time of Our Choosing, Page 295 […]

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“In the opening days of the war [in Iraq], commanders avoided bombing as many as three dozen high-priority targets–including the Ministry of Defense and television and communication facilities–for fear of civilian casualties. ‘It would be highly desirable to have completely, totally ended any ability on their ability to communicate,’ [Secretary of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld said […]

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According to a New York Times article on March 23, 2003: “A Pew Research Center poll taken on the eve of the [March 19, 2003] U.S. invasion [of Iraq] revealed the following rates of disapproval of [President] Bush’s foreign policy: Britain, 65 percent; France, 87 percent; Germany, 85 percent; Italy, 76 percent; Spain, 79 percent; […]

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President George W. Bush remarks on the future of the campaign: “A campaign on harsh terrain in a vast country could be longer and more difficult than some have predicted. And helping Iraqis achieve a united, stable, and free country will require our sustained commitment. Yet, whatever is required of us, we will carry out all […]

Read More… from 3/22/2003


By March 22, 2003, “the 3rd Infantry Division was 150 miles into Iraq, and Saddam’s army was either being defeated or dissolving. …Unprotected Iraqi civilian fighters were throwing themselves on armored formations. Mostly, they were being slaughtered. …[Army Major General James] Spider Marks concluded that Saddam loyalists were pointing guns at the civilians’ backs: You […]

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On March 22, 2003, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said at a Pentagon news briefing: ” ‘Our goal is to defend the American people, and to eliminate Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, and to liberate the Iraqi people.’ ” Additionally, ” ‘Military forces also will ‘secure Iraq’s oil fields and resources, which belong to the […]

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“On Saturday, March 22 [2003], [Central Command leader General Tommy] Franks updated the president [Bush] and the war cabinet at Camp David via video teleconference. …In a later call to [British Prime Minister Tony] Blair, the president reported, ‘The body language of Tommy and all the commanders is pretty positive. They are pleased with the […]

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