
“David Kay resigned on January 24, 2004, as the chief U.S. weapons inspector in Iraq and acknowledged ‘we were almost all wrong’ in assuming Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction…”  – Jonathan Randal, Osama, Page 269 […]

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“David Kay resigned as head of the Iraq Survey Group that month [January 24, 2004] and testified before Congress that there were no WMD stockpiles to be found. ‘It turns out we were all wrong, probably, in my judgment,’ Kay stated. Along with prominent Democrats, Kay called for an independent outside inquiry into the apparent […]

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“In January [24] 2004, David Kay, as he stepped down from his post as head of the Iraq Survey Group, the U.S. government intelligence organization created to hunt for Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, announced that he concluded that Saddam Hussein had destroyed his weapons stockpiles in the 1990s, but had tried to bluff about […]

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“In January [23] 2004, our troops intercepted a letter from [al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-] Zarqawi to senior al Qaeda leaders. He wrote about the growing pressure he was feeling and laid out his plan for survival. ‘We need to bring the Shia into the battle,’ he wrote, ‘because it is the […]

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Cofer “Black, who is now counterterrorism coordinator for the State Department, predicted in January [23] 2004 that 70 percent of the al Qaeda network had been neutralized. ‘They are being hunted down,’ asserted Black; ‘their days are numbered.’ ”  – Peter Lance, Cover Up, Page 162 […]

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“On Friday, January 23 [2004], the CIA announced without explanation that David Kay had been replaced as head of the Iraq Survey Group hunting for weapons of mass destruction. In an interview that afternoon, Kay told reporters that the weapons stockpiles cited as justification for the war did not exist.”  – Karen DeYoung, Soldier: The […]

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According to a San Francisco Chronicle article on January 23, 2004: “Vice President [Dick] Cheney was repeating his claim that ‘there is overwhelming evidence there was a connection between al-Qaeda and the Iraqi government.’ ”  – Al Gore, The Assault on Reason, Page 109 […]

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On January 22, 2004, “Knight Ridder news service had reported that CIA officers in Iraq had issued new warnings to the Bush administration that the country might be headed toward civil war; the White House, which refused to apply the term civil war to what was happening in Iraq, was furious with the agency over […]

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Before his interview with the 9/11 Commission on January 22, 2004, CIA Director George “Tenet seemed to understand that the CIA’s failure to watch-list the pair [9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Midhar] after their arrival in California [on January 15, 2000] was the agencies’ Achilles’ heel–the one horrendous blunder that could sink the CIA.” […]

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The 9/11 Commission’s staff conducted a private interview on January 21, 2004, with former Deputy CIA Director John McLaughlin. He said, there was ‘great tension’ at the CIA, “over what seemed to be the refusal of the White House to deal with warnings of an imminent terrorist attack in 2001. The White House has just […]

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