
“In order to more comprehensively pursue terrorists, the REAL ID Act of [May 11] 2005 expanded the legal definition of terrorist organizations and barred admission to the United States to anyone who was found to have given material support to terrorist groups.”  – Condoleezza Rice, No Higher Honor, Page 393 […]

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Then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld wrote: “In May [9] 2005, Newsweek magazine wrote that U.S. guards at Gitmo [Guantanamo] had flushed a Koran down a toilet ‘in an attempt to rattle suspects’ for interrogation purposes. Unnamed sources, Newsweek said, had verified the allegation. The story set off a firestorm of protest in a number of […]

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” ‘When history looks back, I want to be in the class of people who did the right thing, the sensible thing, and not necessarily the fashionable thing, the thing that met the aesthetic of the movement,’ [Undersecretary of Defense] Douglas Feith told Jeffrey Goldberg in the New Yorker in [May 9] 2005, referring to […]

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Judge Laurence Silberman, who investigated the CIA’s mis-assessment of Saddam Hussein’s weapons capabilities, remarked in a May 4, 2005, report titled ‘U.S. Intelligence Reform and the WMD Commission Report:’ ” ‘It would have been eminently justifiable to have told the President [Bush] and the Congress that it was likely that Saddam had weapons of mass […]

Read More… from 5/4/2005


As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary:” “Iraqi Transitional Government takes power (Prime Minister Ja’afai).”  – Commissioned by the Prime Minister The Right Honourable Gordon Brown MP, “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry: Executive Summary,” IraqInquiry.org.uk, May 3, 2005 […]

Read More… from 5/3/2005


The Iraqi Transitional Government, which replaced the Iraqi Interim Government on May 3, 2005, “suffered from the same set of problems that afflicted the Interim Government, and it ended up committing the same mistakes–but for different reasons and purposes. In one important respect, though, it had an advantage over the Interim Government. It was not […]

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“In May [2] 2005, Pakistani and U.S. authorities engineered the capture of Abu Faraj al-Liby, who was, in the words of one top intelligence official, ‘the switchboard,’ the person who was rebuilding the al Qaeda leadership’s ties to cells and other organizations around the world, which had been frayed or cut over the past four […]

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“Despite clear evidence of an increase of jihadist activity abroad, a recent decline in threat reporting against domestic U.S. targets has led Terrance W. Gainer, the chief of the Capitol [Washington, D.C.] Police, to remark in May [1] 2005, ‘The imminence of a threat seems to have diminished. We’re just not as worried as we […]

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On April 30, 2005, Newsweek “ran a ten-sentence item in its Periscope section including the accusation that American interrogators at Guantanamo Bay had flushed a copy of the Koran down a toilet to inflame the Muslim inmates. The item went unnoticed for days, until anti-American riots broke out in Pakistan and Afghanistan and some of […]

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“In one of [Abu Musab al-] Zarqawi’s blustering audio tapes [on April 29, 2005], the al-Qaida in Iraq leader vowed that ‘[President] Bush will not enjoy peace of mind and that his army will not have a good life as long as our hearts are beating.’ ”  – Donald Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown, Page 693 […]

Read More… from 4/29/2005