
President Bush’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan “have put Israel in the worst strategic and operational situation she’s been in since 1948,’ said Larry Wilkerson, who was Colin Powell’s chief of staff in the State Department [in an interview with author Craig Unger in October 2006]. ‘If you take down Iraq, you eliminate Iran’s number […]

Read More… from 10/15/2006


In an interview with author Craig Unger in October 2006, Colonel Larry Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, expressed his doubts on reports that documented the sale of 500 tons of yellowcake uranium per year from Niger to Iraq. ” ‘The idea that you could get that much yellowcake out […]

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According to the “Findings” in The Lancet study “Mortality after the 2003 invasion of Iraq: a cross-sectional cluster sample survey” from Oct. 12, 2006: “…We estimate that as of July, 2006, there have been 654[,]965 (392[,]979–942[,]636) excess Iraqi deaths as a consequence of the war, which corresponds to 2·5% of the population in the study area. […]

Read More… from 10/12/2006


On October 9, 2006, “North Korea defied the world again by carrying out its first full-fledged nuclear test. [Chinese] President Hu [Jintao]‘s reaction was firmer this time. ‘The Chinese government strongly opposes this.’ he said. ‘We engaged in conversations to appeal to the North Koreans for restraint. However, our neighbor turned a deaf ear to […]

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On October 8, 2006, the day after detecting a nuclear explosion in North Korea, President Bush said: ” ‘The North Korean regime remains one of the world’s leading proliferators of missile technology, including transfers to Iran and Syria. The transfer of nuclear weapons or material by North Korea to states or non-state entities would be […]

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At a Colorado republican party reception on October 4, 2006, President George W. Bush said, regarding the use of torture against terrorists: “I’m going to tell you point-blank, this program worked. …As a result of the information from the interrogations, the CIA helped break up–we helped break up a cell of Southeast Asian terrorist operatives […]

Read More… from 10/4/2006


“In September [28-29] 2006, Congress passed the Military Commissions Act, which shielded U.S. interrogators from potential prosecution for torture.”  – Jacob Weisberg, “Our Tacit Approval of Torture,” Newsweek, April 30, 2009 […]

Read More… from 9/29/2006


“On September 29 [2006], the House [of Representatives] affirmed the Senate’s version of the Military Commissions Act, which nullified any potential habeas [corpus] rights of the Guantanamo detainees and reaffirmed the authority of the military tribunals to decide who was or was not an enemy combatant–a designation that couldn’t be appealed in court.”  – Ron […]

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“Just before Congress passed the Military Commissions Act of 2006 [on September 22, 2006], Senator [John] McCain [R-AZ] was widely quoted when he stated [on September 21, 2006] that ‘[t]here’s no doubt that the integrity and letter and spirit of the Geneva Conventions have been preserved.’ On the Senate floor [on September 28, 2006], he […]

Read More… from 9/28/2006


A ‘council of colonels’ concluded, in a September 27, 2006, briefing titled, ‘Strategy for the Long War, 2006-2016: *Where we are going,* ‘ that “Iraq was indeed in a ‘low-grade’ civil war…and on the path to a bigger one. ‘We are losing because we are not winning and time is not on our side,’ they flatly […]

Read More… from 9/27/2006