
According to The Washington Post on February 10, 2007: “We now know that [Secretary of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld’s assistant, Douglas Feith, established a separate and parallel ‘intelligence’ operation inside the Pentagon that was used to present flawed information directly to the president [Bush] without the knowledge of the CIA and the other professional centers of […]

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“A February 9, 2007, report of the inspector general of the Department of Defense…said that [undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas] Feith’s office ‘expanded its role and mission from formulating defense policy to analyzing and disseminating alternative intelligence,’ which was ‘inappropriate,’ and that the group furnished the Bush administration with ‘some conclusions that were inconsistent […]

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“On February 6, 2007, homeland security secretary Michael Chertoff announced that the fiscal year 2007 federal budget would allocate more than $400 million to add sixty-seven hundred additional detention beds (an increase of 32 percent over 2006). …Both the contract and the budget allocation were in partial fulfillment of an ambitious ten-year Homeland Security plan, […]

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“Germany issued arrest warrants for 13 CIA agents on January 31, 2007, for the mistaken kidnapping of a German citizen, Khaled El-Masri, in Macedonia. El-Masri was captured at the Macedonian border by Macedonian police and detained there for three weeks, and was reportedly interrogated by CIA agents. He was then passed off to CIA agents […]

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“…according to a U.S. Navy document [on January 29, 2007], once the invasion [of Iraq] was under way, NSA’s [National Security Agency’s] strategic SIGINT [signals intelligence] collection units in the United States archived 60 percent of the material they collected and never processed (i.e., translated or analyzed) it. The military’s tactical SIGINT units taking part […]

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On January 26, 2007, “A European Parliament report concludes that the CIA has conducted 1,245 flights, many of them to destinations where suspects could face torture, in violation of Article 3 of the CAT [United Nations Convention Against Torture].”  – M. Cherif Bassiouni, The Institutionalization of Torture by the Bush Administration, Page xlvii […]

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“…most of the credit for SIGINT’s [signals intelligence’s] increased effectiveness on the battlefield, according to senior U.S. military and intelligence officials, goes to the new commander of U.S. military forces in Iraq, General David Petraeus, who assumed command of U.S. forces in January [26] 2007. …Petraeus, who was acutely aware of the vital importance of […]

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In an appearance on CNN on January 24, 2007, Vice President Dick “Cheney went on to describe the Iraq War as a success because Saddam Hussein had been ousted. ‘If he were still there today,’ Cheney said, ‘we’d have a terrible situation.’ ‘But there is a terrible situation,’ [host Wolf] Blitzer said. ‘No, there is […]

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On January 24, 2007, Vice President Dick Cheney “went on CNN and pugnaciously rejected any argument that they were failing in Iraq–as the president [Bush] himself had concluded. ‘With the pressures from some quarters to get out of Iraq, if we were to do that, we would simply validate the terrorists’ strategy that says the […]

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“On 24 January 2007 Abdelmalek Droukdal (also known as Abu Mus’ab Abdel Wadoud), the emir of the Algerian Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), officially announced the birth of AQIM [al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb], which he would command. The Maghreb comprises five countries–Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania.”  – Abdel Bari Atwan, […]

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