“CIA drones killed ‘many Westerners, including some U.S. passport holders’ in Pakistan’s tribal area during the George W. Bush administration, the new book by Bob Woodward [‘Obama’s Wars’] says. Woodward, a longtime Washington Post journalist, writes in ‘Obama’s Wars’ that then-CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden disclosed the killings to Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari during […]
-Barack H. Obama – Democratic president elected -Joseph R. Biden, Jr. – Vice President – […]
“In a report released last October [2009], the Iraqi Human Rights Ministry said that 85,694 people were killed from the beginning of 2004 to Oct. 31, 2008, and that 147,195 were wounded. The figures included Iraqi civilians, military members and police officers, but did not cover American military deaths, insurgents or foreigners like contractors. …the […]
“…a string of suicide bombings in Somalia on October 29, 2008… killed at least twenty-five people, including several U.N. employees. …one of the suicide attackers, Shirwa Ahmed, was a naturalized American citizen and a graduate of Minneapolis’s Roosevelt High School. Ahmed thus became the first known American suicide bomber.” – Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Bin Laden’s Legacy, […]
In a Washington Times article on October 29, 2008, Iraq War expert Anthony H. Cordesman wrote: ” ‘Al Qaeda may be largely defeated [in Iraq], but it did not exist [there] before the U.S. invasion, and Islamic extremism and violence will be stronger as a result of the war.’ ” – Jeffrey Record, Wanting War, […]
Vice President Dick “Cheney won one more small victory in the twilight days of the Bush presidency when [on October 26, 2008] two dozen Special Forces soldiers in Black Hawk helicopters swooped into Syria six miles across the Iraqi border and killed an al-Qaeda leader named Abu Ghadiya, leader of the network that smuggled foreign […]
From coverage of classified State Department documents exposed by WikiLeaks: “Jockeying for influence in Iraq by outside countries has been going on ever since Mr. Hussein was ousted, hardly surprising given Iraq’s strategic position in the Middle East, its vast oil reserves, its multisectarian population and the fact that it is a nascent, if unsteady, […]
On October 16, 2008, “Germany votes to extend Afghanistan mission to 2009 and increase troop numbers in Afghanistan by 1,000.” – Ahmed Rashid, Taliban, Page 271 […]
Then-Vice President Dick Cheney wrote, on October 10, 2008: “I got word that the president [Bush] had agreed to allow Secretary [of State Condoleezza] Rice to sign the document removing North Korea from the terrorist list, which she did on October 11 [2008].” – Dick Cheney, In My Time, Page 488 […]
President Bush “was arguably the most disliked president in seven decades. Seventy-one percent of Americans interviewed in a Gallup poll disapproved of his job performance during the worst of the financial crisis in October [10-12] 2008, the highest negative rate ever recorded for any president since the firm began asking the question in 1938.” – […]