
“Before 9/11, there was a No Fly list, but it had only sixteen names on it. In December 2008, the master list from which the No Fly and Selectee lists are drawn contained 1,183,447 names.” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.]  – Susan Herman, Taking Liberties, Page 67 […]

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“…the congressionally authorized Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism issued a report in December 2008 that concluded: ‘It is more likely than not that a weapon of mass destruction will be used in a terrorist attack somewhere in the world by the end of 2013.’ “ [The 15th of […]

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“In December 2008, the bipartisan Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, led by former Democratic Senator Bob Graham [D-FL], warned darkly that terrorists would likely carry out a WMD attack in the next five years. ‘America’s margin of safety is shrinking, not growing,’ the commission concluded.” [The 15th of […]

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“Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday [December 15, 2008] that he was directly involved in approving severe interrogation methods used by the CIA, and that the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba should remain open indefinitely. …Cheney’s comments…mark the first time that he has acknowledged playing a central role in clearing the CIA’s use of an […]

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“A report by Senator Carl Levin [D-MI] in [December 11] 2008…claimed that ‘senior officials in the United States government solicited information on how to use aggressive techniques, redefined the law to create the appearance of their legality, and authorized their use against detainees.’ ”  – Donald Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown, Page 552 […]

Read More… from 12/11/2008


According to a report by the Senate Armed Services Committee on December 11, 2008: ” ‘While the President’s order [to deny baseline protections to al-Qaeda and Taliban prisoners] stated that, as *a matter of policy, the United States Armed Forces shall continue to treat detainees humanely and, to the extent appropriate and consistent with military […]

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The Senate Armed Services Committee report of December 11, 2008 said: “high-level officials in the Bush administration were intimately involved in reviewing and approving interrogation methods that have since been explicitly outlawed and that have been condemned internationally as torture.”  – Greg Miller, “Cheney OK’d Harsh CIA Tactics,” The Los Angeles Times, Dec. 16, 2008 […]

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On December 9, 2008, Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell and CIA Director Michael Hayden met with President-elect Barack Obama to discuss the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques. After questioning from Obama, Hayden mentioned there had been 13 techniques used by the CIA. “The 13 former interrogation techniques, some of which are still current, are: 1. […]

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“On December 2, 2008, the congressionally mandated Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism found that the leading WMD threat to the nation is bioterrorism.”  – Tom Ridge with Lary Bloom, The Test of Our Times, Page 265 […]

Read More… from 12/2/2008


In an interview with Charlie Gibson on December 1, 2008, when President Bush was asked what his greatest disappointment was during his presidency, he replied: “Well, I mentioned one, and that is no weapons of mass destruction [in Iraq].”  – Lauren Sher, “Bush: ‘I Did Not Compromise My Principles,’” ABC News, Dec. 1, 2008 […]

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