
Palestinian-American citizen “Nidal Malik Hassan…killed thirteen and wounded thirty of his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, on November 5, 2009…”  – Bruce Riedel, Deadly Embrace, Page 103 […]

Read More… from 11/5/2009


“Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a Palestinian-American medical officer and a rigidly observant Muslim who made no secret to his fellow officers of his opposition to America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, went on a shooting spree at the giant Army base at Fort Hood, Texas, on November 5, 2009, killing thirteen and wounding many more. […]

Read More… from 11/5/2009


In 2003, CIA members unlawfully rendered Egyptian imam Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr from Italy to Egypt, where he underwent torture. On November 4, 2009, “Twenty-two CIA agents are convicted in absentia in Milan, Italy for violations of Italian and international law with regard to acts of torture as a result of the practice of ‘extraordinary […]

Read More… from 11/4/2009


“In October [28] 2009, President [Barack] Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, which included the Military Commissions Act of 2009. While the legislation sought to remedy the defects of the 2006 Act, it retained the basic structure of the military commissions and failed to address many substantive rule […]

Read More… from 10/28/2009


Regarding the war in Afghanistan: “On October 22 [2009], former vice president [Dick] Cheney charged in a speech that ‘the White House must stop dithering while America’s armed forces are in danger.’ “  – Peter Bergen, The Longest War, Page 326 […]

Read More… from 10/22/2009


According to a Newsweek article on October 21, 2009: “Since 2001, the United States has given Pakistan over $15 billion.”  – Bing West, The Wrong War, Page 124 […]

Read More… from 10/21/2009


“Some seven hundred reporters and photographers were embedded with American forces when the war in Iraq began. …The program posed risks for the journalists. [According to information released in October 2009] From 2003 to 2009, seven embedded reporters were killed in Iraq, and several others were wounded.” [The 15th of the month used for date […]

Read More… from 10/15/2009


“…a panel of experts appointed by the United Nations issued findings in October [2009] showing that fraud [in the August 20, 2009, presidential election in Afghanistan] was in fact so widespread that almost a quarter of all the votes had to be thrown out and as a result [incumbent President Hamid] Karzai had not won […]

Read More… from 10/15/2009


” ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ consistently received around five times more U.S. funding than ‘Operation Enduring Freedom’ in Afghanistan. And Iraq consumed the bulk of President Bush’s focus and effort. Senior U.S. intelligence official David Gordon recalls [in an interview with journalist Peter Bergen on October 15, 2009]: ‘The president was just way too committed to […]

Read More… from 10/15/2009


President Barack “Obama awoke that next morning [October 9, 2009] to learn that he had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.”  – Bob Woodward, Obama’s Wars, Page 213 […]

Read More… from 10/9/2009