
“In November 2002, military lawyers were already expressing reservations about the interrogation techniques proposed for use at Guantánamo. … Major General Jack Rives, the Deputy Judge Advocate General of the United States Air Force, was more pointed in his analysis, and observed that several of the exceptional interrogation techniques ‘on their face, amount[ed] to violations of […]

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On February 5, [2003,] Colin Powell gave a speech to the 15 [UN] council members. “He made many claims about the Iraqi threat. These included a strong connection between Iraq and al-Qaeda, the existence of mobile WMD units, and the Iraqi production of cultures of anthrax (a deadly disease). Most of these claims were later […]

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As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary”: “Secretary Powell’s presentation to the Security Council.”  – Commissioned by the Prime Minister The Right Honourable Gordon Brown MP, “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry: Executive Summary,” IraqInquiry.org.uk, Feb. 5, 2003 […]

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On February 5, 2003, “ten Eastern European nations jointly declared their support for military action [in Iraq]. ‘Our countries understand the dangers posed by tyranny and the special responsibility of democracies to defend our shared values,’ their leaders declared jointly. ‘[W]e are prepared to contribute to an international coalition to enforce [UN Resolution 1441] and […]

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On February 5, 2003, following Secretary of State Colin Powell’s speech to the UN Security Council, journalist Bob Woodward of The Washington Post appeared on Larry King Live: “[A]sked by Larry King what would happen if the United States went to war [with Iraq] and didn’t find any WMDs, [Woodward] answered, ‘I think the chance of […]

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On February 5, 2003, “On ABC’s World News Tonight just hours after [Secretary of State Colin Powell’s] testimony [to the U.N. Security Council], investigative reporter Brian Ross raised questions about Powell’s claims of Iraqi links to [Kurdish Sunni Islamist group] Ansar al Islam. …’There’s no doubt Ansar al Islam is a radical Islamic terror group,’ […]

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Secretary of State Colin “Powell spoke of ‘decades-long experience with respect to ties between Iraq and al Qaeda,’ in his February 5, 2003, presentation at the UN Security Council. ‘Going back to the early and mid-1990s when bin Laden was based in Sudan, an al Qaeda source tells us that Saddam and bin Laden reached […]

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” ‘My colleagues,’ he [Secretary of State Colin Powell] told the United Nations Security Council [on February 5, 2003], ‘every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we are giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence.’ ”  – Craig Unger, The Fall of […]

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In his address to the U.N. Security Council on February 5, 2003, Secretary of State Colin Powell said: ” ‘Saddam Hussein has chemical weapons’ and ‘We know that Iraq has at least seven…mobile, biological agent factories.’ ”  – Karen DeYoung, Soldier: The Life of Colin Powell, Page 482 […]

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” ‘We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more,’ [Secretary of State Colin] Powell said in closing [in his speech to the U.N. Security Council on February 5, 2003]. ‘Given Saddam Hussein’s history of aggression, given what we know of his grandiose plans, given […]

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