
As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary”: “343. The JIC Assessment of 10 February 2003 repeated previous warnings that: –Al Qaida and associated networks would remain the greatest terrorist threat to the UK and its activity would increase at the onset of any military action against Iraq. -In the event of […]

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As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary”: “315. On 10 February 2003, the JIC judged that Al Qaida would ‘not carry out attacks under Iraqi direction’.”  – Commissioned by the Prime Minister The Right Honourable Gordon Brown MP, “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry: Executive Summary,” IraqInquiry.org.uk, Feb. 10, 2003 […]

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President George W. Bush on Saddam Hussein and his crimes: “The true enemy of the Iraqi people, Saddam Hussein, has a different strategy. In violation of the Geneva Conventions, Saddam Hussein is positioning his military forces within civilian populations in order to shield his military and blame coalition forces for civilian casualties that he has caused. […]

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“By February 10 [2003], more than 100,000 U.S. troops were in the Gulf region, including three aircraft carrier groups, with a fourth, the USS Theodore Roosevelt, on the way, and a fifth, the USS Kitty Hawk, scheduled to be deployed shortly. Three days later, the U.S. activated 39,000 more reservists.”  – Craig Unger, The Fall […]

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Former House of Commons leader Robin Cook said: “only a month before [leading the U.K. into war in Iraq, on February 10, 2003] the Prime Minister [Tony Blair] had received an assessment that ‘there was no intelligence that Iraq had provided CB [chemical or biological] materials to al-Qa’ida.’ Even more startlingly, the Joint Intelligence Committee […]

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Following Secretary of State Colin Powell’s speech to the UN on February 5, 2003, accusing Iraq of hiding weapons of mass destruction, the reactions of European leaders surprised the White House. French Prime Minister Jacques “Chirac, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, and [German President Hans] Schroeder issued a strong joint statement…[on February 10, 2003] calling for […]

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“Britain and America’s spies believe that they are being politicised: that the intelligence they provide is being selectively applied to lead to the opposite conclusion from the one they have drawn, which is that Iraq is much less of a threat than their political masters claim. Worse, when the intelligence agencies fail to do the […]

Read More… from 2/9/2003


“In his weekly radio address February 8 [2003], [President] Bush said, ‘We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons–the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have.’ ”  – Bob Woodward, State of Denial, Page 139 […]

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On February 8, 2003, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said: ” ‘When states decide to use force, not in self-defense but to deal with broader threats to international peace and security, there is no substitute for the unique legitimacy provided by the United Nations Security Council. States and peoples around the world attach fundamental importance […]

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“On February 8 [2003], the United Nations Team Bravo, led by American biological weapons experts, spent three and a half hours inspecting [Iraqi informant] Curveball’s former worksite and determined that Curveball had lied [about Iraq’s WMD programs and mobile weapons labs].”  – Craig Unger, The Fall of the House of Bush, Page 289 […]

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