
“On February 14, 2003, [chief UN weapons inspector Hans] Blix told the [UN] Security Council that, of the chemical and biological samples the team had collected so far, three-fourths had been analyzed. All of the results had been consistent with Iraqi declarations.”  – Deepak Tripathi, Overcoming the Bush Legacy in Iraq and Afghanistan, Page 63 […]

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According to a February 14, 2003, report to the UN by chief weapons inspector Hans Blix, in regards to weapons inspections: “Iraq was still cooperating on process but not on substance…citing a document indicating that Iraq had one thousand tons of a chemical agent that inspectors could not actually find. ‘One must not jump to […]

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“In a [February 14, 2003] speech at FBI headquarters, President Bush said, ‘We’re trying to protect you. We’re doing everything in our power to make sure the homeland is secure.’ Intelligence officials quoted at the time said they had identified six hundred to one thousand potential al Qaeda terrorists in cells around the United States. […]

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” ‘Force should always be a last resort; I have preached this for most of my professional life as a soldier and as a diplomat; but it must be a resort,’ [Secretary of State] Mr. [Colin] Powell told the United Nations Security Council on Feb. 14, 2003. ‘We cannot allow this process to be endlessly […]

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“In a speech at FBI headquarters [on February 14, 2003], President Bush said, ‘We’re trying to protect you. We’re doing everything in our power to make sure the homeland is secure.’ ”  – Peter Lance, 1000 Years For Revenge, Page 438 […]

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“At 8:55 am on Friday, February 14 [2003], the president [Bush] went down to the Situation Room for a briefing on how they would respond if there were a coup in Iraq…The president and the NSC [National Security Council] discussed a formal ‘Coup Scenario’ paper and agreed that if there were a coup, the US […]

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President George W. Bush, when visiting the Mayport Naval Station: “At any moment during the last 97 days — and during the last 12 years — Saddam Hussein could have completely and immediately disarmed himself. Instead, he’s used all this time to build and to hide weapons. He must be hoping that by stalling he’ll buy […]

Read More… from 2/13/2003


From a recent audiotape from Osama bin Laden, which had been broadcast by Al Jazeera: ” ‘We advise the importance of dragging the enemies’ forces to a long, exhausting and continuous battle. The worst fear of the enemy is street and city fighting, this is the war in which the enemy expects great losses. We […]

Read More… from 2/12/2003


On February 12, 2003, CIA Director George “Tenet testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee that Iraq has ‘provided training in poisons and gases to two al-Qaeda associates,’ a point that [Secretary of State Colin] Powell had also made in his UN presentation [on February 5, 2003]. Such claims were, of course, not checkable by […]

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On February 12, 2003, CIA Director George Tenet testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Regarding al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi and his cohorts, Tenet said: ” ‘…there are 116 people in jail in France, in Spain, in Italy, and in Great Britain who received training and guidance out of a […]

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