
Former President George W. Bush recalled, after the capture of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on March 1, 2003, CIA Director “George Tenet asked if he had permission to use enhanced interrogation techniques, including waterboarding, on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I thought about my meeting with [slain journalist] Danny Pearl’s widow, who was pregnant with his […]

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“On March 1 [2003], in a stunning blow, the Turkish parliament rejected the proposal to allow American troops to operate from Turkish bases. The vote was 264 in favor to 251 against, with 19 abstentions… In Washington, Secretary [of State Colin] Powell said that the American military would be ‘flexible enough’ to proceed without Turkish […]

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“By the beginning of March 2003, 98 percent of all army reserves and 45 percent of all National Guard intelligence units were on active duty either in the United States or in the Persian Gulf.” [The 1st of the month used for date sorting purposes only.]  – Matthew M. Aid, The Secret Sentry, Page 247 […]

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Following the capture of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) on March 1, 2003, he was subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques. These led to information that allowed for the capture of other terrorists. Then-CIA Director George Tenet wrote: “I believe that none of these successes would have happened if we had had to treat KSM […]

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Former CIA Director George Tenet wrote: “Of all the terrorist takedowns, none was more important or memorable than the capture in Pakistan of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed [KSM, on March 1, 2003]. …No person, other than perhaps Usama bin Ladin [UBL], was more responsible for the attacks of 9/11 than KSM, and none, other than UBL, […]

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Former CIA Agent Robert Baer wrote: “When [9/11 mastermind] Khalid Sheikh Muhammad was run to ground in Pakistan in March [1] 2003, he was in the company of Mustafa Ahmed Hawsawi, a Saudi conduit for the September 11 hijackers drawing from accounts in the United Arab Emirates. According to a Gulf security official I talked […]

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9/11 mastermind “Khaled Sheikh Mohammed’s luck finally ran out on March 1, 2003. American and Pakistani agents tracked him down in a section of the old Raj cantonment city of Rawalpindi, favored by serving and retired Pakistani generals. He was captured in a private house without a fight, sleepy and disheveled in a white T-shirt.” […]

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“On March 1 [2003], the Turkish Parliament rejected the US request to move troops through the country [in order to have a northern front in the event of a war with Iraq].”  – Bob Woodward, Plan of Attack, Page 325 […]

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“…U.S. authorities paid a $25 million reward to a Pakistani informant for information that led to [9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh] Mohammed’s capture [on March 1, 2003].”  – Jane Mayer, The Dark Side, Page 269 […]

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“Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the primary architect of the September 11 attacks, had been captured in March [1] 2003 by the CIA and was…’singing like a bird.’ ”  – Jane Mayer, The Dark Side, Page 269 […]

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