
On March 4, 2003, Undersecretary for Policy “Doug Feith gave a secret briefing to the president and the NSC [National Security Council]…on ‘U.S. and Coalition Objectives’ for an Iraq war. It was rosy, pie-in-the-sky political science–everything from visibly improving quality of life for Iraqis to moving toward democracy and obtaining ‘international participation in the reconstruction.’ […]

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“On 4 March [2003] the foreign ministers of France, Germany and Russia met in Paris and declared that disarmament of Iraq through inspection was possible, and that inspection ‘was producing increasingly encouraging results.’ They repeated that ‘these inspections cannot continue indefinitely.’ ”  – Clare Short, An Honourable Deception?, Page 251 […]

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As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary”: “188. [On March 3, 2003] Mr Straw told [US] Secretary Powell that the level of support in the UK for military action without a second resolution was palpably ‘very low’. In that circumstance, even if a majority in the Security Council had voted for the […]

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On March 2, 2003, “the Observer newspaper in Britain published a secret directive from the National Security Agency ordering increased eavesdropping on U.N. diplomats.”  – Dafna Linzer, “IAEA Leader’s Phone Tapped,” The Washington Post, Dec. 12, 2004 […]

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From information in a New York Times article on March 2, 2003: “Whereas right after 9/11 a mere 6 percent believed that bin Laden had collaborated with Saddam Hussein, by the eve of [the Iraq] war that figure had risen to 66 percent. A majority now even believed that Iraqis had been among the hijackers.” […]

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“On March 2 [2003], the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) reported that documents it had been given by the U.S. government purporting to show a uranium deal between Iraq and Niger were forgeries.”  – Stephen F. Hayes, Cheney, Page 390 […]

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“The New York Times reported [on March 2, 2003] ‘a senior [Bush] administration official’ as saying that ‘the [Iraq weapons] inspections have turned out to be a trap…We’re not counting on [chief UN weapons inspector Hans] Blix to do much of anything for us.’ ”  – Clare Short, An Honourable Deception?, Page 252 […]

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As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary”: “181. An Arab League Summit on 1 March concluded that the crisis in Iraq must be resolved by peaceful means and in the framework of international legitimacy.”  – Commissioned by the Prime Minister The Right Honourable Gordon Brown MP,, “The Report of the Iraq […]

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President George W. Bush, in his radio address, stated: “Rebuilding Iraq will require a sustained commitment from many nations, including our own. We will remain in Iraq as long as necessary, and not a day more. America has made and kept this kind of commitment before — in the peace that followed World War II. After […]

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Former President George W. Bush recalled, before the invasion of Iraq, “For months, we had been pressing the Turks to give us access to their territory so that we could send fifteen thousand troops from the Fourth Infantry Division to enter Iraq from the north. We promised to provide economic and military aid, help Turkey […]

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