
In a national press conference on March 6, 2003, President Bush said: ” ‘Iraqi operatives continue to hide biological and chemical agents to avoid detection by inspectors. In some cases these materials have been moved to different locations every 12 to 24 hours. …Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, […]

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In a news conference on March 6, 2003, President Bush said, regarding Saddam: ” ‘So, in the name of security and peace, if we have to–if we have to–we’ll disarm him. I hope he disarms. Or, perhaps, I hope he leaves the country. I hear a lot of talk from different nations around where Saddam […]

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“The origin of [Iraqi chemical weapons factory] Fallujah 2 was revealed in an article written by David Leigh and John Hooper and printed in Britain by the Guardian on the 6th of March 2003: ‘A chemical plant which the US says is a key component in Iraq’s chemical warfare arsenal was secretly built by Britain […]

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“On March 6 [2003], The Washington Post‘s Bob Woodward went on CNN’s Larry King Live and asserted that ‘the intelligence shows…there are massive amounts of weapons of mass destruction hidden, buried, unaccounted for’ in Iraq.”  – Michael Isikoff and David Corn, Hubris, Page 207 […]

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“At a prime time televised news conference the next night, March 6 [2003], the president [Bush] repeated his case that Saddam was not disarming. ‘Iraqi operatives continue to hide biological and chemical agents to avoid detection by inspectors,’ he claimed. He said, ‘We’re still in the final stages of diplomacy,’ and added, ‘We’re calling for […]

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During a national press conference on March 6, 2003, President Bush replied to an inquiry from a member of the press regarding the threat of war with Iraq: “Well, Bill [Plante], if they believe he should be disarmed, and he’s not going to disarm, there’s only one way to disarm him. And that happens to […]

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As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary”: “199. France, Germany, and Russia stated on 5 March that they would not let a resolution pass that authorized the use of force. Russia and France, ‘as Permanent Members of the Security Council, will assume all their responsibilities on this point’.”  – Commissioned by […]

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“On March 5 [2003], [chief UN weapons inspector Hans] Blix on the phone with [National Security Advisor Condoleezza] Rice asked her point-blank if the United States knew where Iraq’s WMDs were hidden. ‘No,’ she said, ‘but interviews after liberation would reveal it.’ ”  – Thomas Powers, The Military Error, Page 121 […]

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“After lunch on March 5 [2003], [President] Bush met with a personal envoy who had been sent by Pope John Paul II to argue against the war. There would be civilian casualties, and it would deepen the gulf between the Christian world and the Muslim world, said the envoy…It would not be a just war, […]

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As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary”: “194. Mr Blair was informed on the evening of 4 March that US military planners were looking at 12 March as the possible start date for the military campaign; and that Mr Geoff Hoon, the Defense Secretary, was concerned about the apparent disconnect with […]

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