
“On the 7th of March 2003 the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Mohamed ElBaradei, delivered a speech to the United Nations Security Council. He explained that: ‘Based on through analysis, the IAEA has concluded with the concurrence of outside experts that these documents which formed the basis for the report of […]

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In the July 1, 2006, Vanity Fair article, Craig Unger states: “On March 14, Senator Jay Rockefeller IV, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, wrote a letter to F.B.I. chief Robert Mueller asking for an investigation because “the fabrication of these [Yellowcake] documents may be part of a larger deception campaign aimed at manipulating […]

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From Craig Unger’s July 1, 2006, Vanity Fair article: “On March 7 [2003], the I.A.E.A. publicly exposed the Niger documents as forgeries. Not long afterward, Cheney was asked about it on Meet the Press. He said that the I.A.E.A. was wrong, that it had “consistently underestimated or missed what it was Saddam Hussein was doing.” He […]

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As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary”: “203. Mr Blair told Cabinet on 6 March that the argument boiled down to the question of whether Saddam Hussein would ever voluntarily co-operate with the UN to disarm Iraq. 204. Mr Blair concluded that it was for the Security Council to determine whether […]

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President George W. Bush, when elaborating on threat of Iraq, during a press conference in the East Room: “Iraqi operatives continue to hide biological and chemical agents to avoid detection by inspectors. In some cases, these materials have been moved to different locations every 12 to 24 hours, or placed in vehicles that are in residential […]

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During a national press conference held in the East Room of the White House, President George W. Bush said: “In the event of conflict, America also accepts our responsibility to protect innocent lives in every way possible. We’ll bring food and medicine to the Iraqi people. We’ll help that nation to build a just government, after decades […]

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On March 6, 2003, “President Bush holds his last prewar news conference. The New York Observer writes that he interchanged Iraq with the attacks of 9/11 eight times, ‘and eight times he was unchallenged.’ The ABC News White House correspondent, Terry Moran, says the Washington press corps was left ‘looking like zombies.’ ”  – Frank […]

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“In 2003, the Defense Department conducted its own review of the limits that govern torture, in consultation with experts at the Justice Department and other agencies. The aim of the March 6, 2003, review, conducted by a working group that included representatives of the military services, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the intelligence community, […]

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“On March 6 [2003], the foreign ministers of France, Germany, and Russia issued a joint declaration asserting that in view of ‘encouraging results’ that have come out of the renewed U.N. inspections [in Iraq], they could not approve of a ‘resolution that would authorize the use of force.’ ”  – Craig Unger, The Fall of […]

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“In his March 6, 2003, speech at the American Enterprise Institute, President Bush declared: ‘We will remain in Iraq as long as necessary and not a day more. America has made and kept this kind of commitment before in the peace that followed a world war. After defeating enemies, we did not leave behind occupying […]

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