
On March 9, 2003, “The New York Times had a detailed article in which Washington officials revealed that [weapons] inspectors had recently discovered ‘a new variety of rocket [the cluster bomb] seemingly configured to strew bomblets filled with chemical or biological agents over large areas.’ The officials provided the information to reinforce the U.S. view […]

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“On March 9 [2003], [National Security Advisor] Condoleezza Rice was interviewed on ABC television and said, ‘The IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency], of course, missed the [nuclear] program [in Iraq] in ninety-one, missed the program in ninety-five, missed it in ninety-eight. …We need to be careful about drawing these conclusions, particularly in a totalitarian state […]

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“On Sunday, March 9 [2003], Luis Ernesto Derbez, the Mexican foreign minister, proposed to [Secretary of State Colin] Powell the idea of sending 50,000 blue-helmeted United Nations peacekeeping troops to back up and enforce a coercive inspections regime [in Iraq]. The notion went nowhere.”  – Todd S. Purdum and The New York Times Staff, A […]

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“On the 9th of March 2003, on the CBS program Face the Nation, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice was asked about the alleged link between Saddam and al-Qa’ida training: ‘We know from a detainee that–the head of training for al-Qa’ida, that they sought help in developing chemical and biological weapons because they weren’t doing very […]

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On March 9, 2003, National Security Advisor Condoleezza “Rice discussed [British Prime Minister Tony] Blair’s situation with the president [Bush]. …If his [Blair’s] government went down, Bush would not only lose his chief ally but it would strengthen Saddam. ‘I would rather go it alone than have your government fall’ [Bush said].”  – Bob Woodward, […]

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On March 9, 2003, Secretary of State Colin Powell “went on to restate another key [Bush] administration talking point about how we had previously underestimated Iraq’s nuclear capabilities. ‘We have to be a little careful about nuclear weapons programs,’ Powell warned. ‘We saw the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] almost give Iraq a clean bill […]

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A New York Daily News article quoted President Bush on March 9, 2003: ” ‘The SOB [Saddam] tried to kill my dad,’ he snarled at one surprised visitor. ‘I would run through a brick wall for my dad.’ Despite the magnitude of the crime, Hussein had never been brought to justice.”  – James Bamford, A […]

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On March 9, 2003, Al Azhar University in Cairo “released a fatwa, a ruling on Islamic law, to the effect that if ‘Crusader’ forces attacked Iraq, it was an obligation for every Muslim to fight occupation forces.”  – Peter Bergen, The Osama bin Laden I Know, Pages 350-351 […]

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As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary”: “216. In the last attempt to move opinion and secure the support of nine members of the Security Council, Mr Blair decided on 8 March to propose a short extension of the timetable beyond 17 March and to revive the idea of producing a […]

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On March 8, 2003, former Ambassador and Envoy to Niger “Joe Wilson appeared on CNN and blasted the Bush administration for mishandling the Niger papers [which claimed Iraq tried to purchase yellowcake uranium from Niger]. …’It taints the whole rest of the case that the government is trying to build against Iraq. …The U.S. government […]

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