
” ‘Unlike Saddam Hussein,’ he [President Bush] said [in a speech on March 17, 2003], ‘we believe the Iraqi people are deserving and capable of human liberty. And when the dictator has departed, they can set an example to all the Middle East of a vital and peaceful and self-governing nation.’ ”  – Jeffrey Record, […]

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Realizing that they wouldn’t get enough votes from the UN to pass their resolution to go to war against Iraq, on March 17, 2003, “the United States, Britain, and Spain officially withdrew the second resolution.”  – Elisabeth Bumiller, Condoleezza Rice: An American Life, Page 207 […]

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In his resignation speech on March 17, 2003, House of Commons leader Robin Cook said: “What has come to trouble me most over past weeks is the suspicion that if the hanging chads in Florida had gone the other way and Al Gore had been elected, we would not now be about to commit British […]

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In his resignation speech on March 17, 2003, British House of Commons leader Robin Cook said that due to the policy of containment: “Iraq’s military strength is now less than half its size than at the time of the last Gulf War [January 1991].”  – Robin Cook, The Point of Departure, Page 363 […]

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According to The New Yorker, on March 17, 2003: “…Richard Perle, before he was forced to resign on conflict-of-interest charges as chairman of the Defense Policy Board, solicited a presentation to the board by a Rand Corporation analyst who recommended that the United States consider military seizure of Saudi Arabia’s oil fields.”  – Al Gore, […]

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In his final ultimatum to Saddam Hussein, a televised address from the White House on March 17, 2003, President Bush declared: ” ‘We are now acting because the risks of inaction would be far greater. In one year, or five years, the power of Iraq to inflict harm on all free nations would be multiplied […]

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On March 17, 2003, President “Bush greeted the Senate and House leaders in the Roosevelt Room …He described his [upcoming] speech, the 48-hour ultimatum [for Saddam and his sons to leave Iraq]… ‘The Iraqi generals are war criminals,’ he told them and added a new and significant twist. ‘If Saddam Hussein leaves, we’ll go in […]

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“…at 9:45 am [on March 17, 2003], [White House Press Secretary Ari] Fleischer appeared in the press room and said: ‘The United Nations has failed to enforce its own demands that Iraq immediately disarm. As a result, the diplomatic window has now been closed. The president [Bush] will address the nation tonight at 8 o’clock. […]

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On March 17, 2003, President Bush said: ” ‘Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.’ …Bush issued an ultimatum: Saddam and his two sons would have to leave Iraq within forty-eight hours, or there would […]

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On March 17, 2003, “UN secretary-general Kofi Annan said that any attack by the United States on Iraq without a further resolution would be a violation of the UN charter.”  – Vincent Bugliosi, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, Page 282 […]

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