
As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary:” “In 2003, for the first time since the Second World War, the United Kingdom took part in an opposed invasion and full-scale occupation of a sovereign State – Iraq. [UK] Cabinet decided on 17 March to join the US-led invasion of Iraq, assuming there was no last-minute […]

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President George W. Bush announces that Saddam must leave Iraq within 48 hours: “Many Iraqis can hear me tonight in a translated radio broadcast, and I have a message for them. If we must begin a military campaign, it will be directed against the lawless men who rule your country and not against you. As our […]

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On March 17, 2003, President Bush “ordered Saddam to leave Iraq within forty-eight hours or face an attack. ‘Should Saddam Hussein choose confrontation,’ he had the audacity to add, ‘the American people can know that every measure has been taken to avoid war, and every measure will be taken to win it.’ “  – Julian […]

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Former President George W. Bush wrote: on March 17, 2003, “Ambassador John Negroponte withdrew the second resolution [on Iraq] at the UN. That night, I addressed the nation from the Cross Hall of the White House. ‘The United Nations Security Council has not lived up to its responsibilities, so we will rise to ours,’ I […]

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On March 17, 2003, “Jay Garner, the retired American general designated by the Pentagon to be the point man in supervising Iraq in the immediate aftermath of war, arrived in Kuwait, where a staff of veteran diplomats and military officers was already at work, laying the groundwork for an occupation.”  – Todd S. Purdum and […]

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On March 17, 2003, “In Washington, Senator [Tom] Daschle, the Democratic leader [from South Dakota], told a gathering of labor union members, ‘I am saddened, saddened that this president [Bush] failed so miserably at diplomacy that we’re now forced to war [against Iraq]. Saddened that we have to give up one life, because this president […]

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On March 17, 2003, “In France, [foreign minister] Dominique de Villepin declared, ‘We are advancing to war [in Iraq] even though today it is possible to disarm in peace. Is war today really necessary? It is not, because the [weapons] inspections are going ahead on the ground.’ ”  – Todd S. Purdum and The New […]

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On March 17, 2003, “In Britain, Robin Cook, a former foreign minister and leader of the Commons, resigned from [Prime Minister Tony] Blair’s cabinet in protest [of the war in Iraq]. ‘In principle, I believe it is wrong to embark on military action without broad international support,’ he said. ‘In practice, I believe it is […]

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On March 17, 2003, President “Bush had the audacity to say, ‘Should Saddam Hussein choose confrontation, the American people can know that every measure has been taken to avoid war, and every measure will be taken to win it.’ ”  – Frank Rich, The Greatest Story Ever Sold, Page 218 […]

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On March 17, 2003, “the Department of Homeland Security raised the level of risk to orange, or ‘High,’ after telling Americans to stock up on duct tape as protection against biological or radiological attacks.”  – Craig Unger, The Fall of the House of Bush, Page 293 […]

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