
On March 20, 2003, after Operation Iraqi Freedom commenced, Saddam Hussein appeared on Iraqi television. “He spoke contemptuously of ‘the criminal, junior Bush,’ and told his people, ‘Go, use a sword.’ After a series of rambling denunciations of ‘criminal Zionists and those who have agendas,’ he concluded, ‘God is great and let the losers lose. […]

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On March 20, 2003, “coalition forces led by [Central Command leader] GEN Tommy Franks invaded Iraq. As bombs fell on Baghdad military targets, 170,000 combat troops moved north out of Kuwait. The ground force was comprised of 120,000 American soldiers and Marines, 45,000 Britons, and 5,000 troops from Australia, Poland, and Denmark. This was a […]

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“At six P.M. Baghdad time, March 20 [2003]…the U.S. air campaign against Iraq began. Over the next twenty-four hours, American and British warplanes flew a staggering seventeen hundred combat sorties against hundreds of targets inside Iraq. At the same time, U.S. Navy warships and U.S. Air Force B-52 bombers launched 504 cruise missiles, which systematically […]

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At the start of the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003, “The American force totaled 241,000, including both combat and support units in the Persian Gulf region as well as the 4th Infantry Division, moored hundreds of miles from Iraq. It was less than half the number [Secretary of State Colin] Powell had sent […]

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Former House of Commons leader Robin Cook quoted Prime Minister Tony Blair’s address to the U.K. on March 20, 2003, when Blair said: ” ‘Dictators like Saddam, terrorist groups like al-Qa’ida, threaten the very existence of such a world. That is why I have asked our troops to go into action tonight.’ “ Cook commented: […]

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“On March 20 [2003], the first full day of the [Iraq] war, [Central Command leader] General [Tommy] Franks reported that Special Forces were in partial control of the western desert area–25 percent of Iraq’s territory, which enabled them to prevent Scud missile firings–as well as the southern oil fields.”  – Bob Woodward, Plan of Attack, […]

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On the morning of March 20, 2003, President Bush called British Prime Minister Tony Blair to tell him that the beginning of the war plans had been altered. “Blair was in an expansive mood. He had led his reluctant nation to war, and the immediate prospects looked quite good. ‘I kind of think that the […]

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Shortly after President Bush announced the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom, attempts were made to bomb Saddam and his sons at a farm outside Baghdad. Reports came in that, while unconfirmed, suggested the mission was successful. “Around 4:30 a.m. [on March 20, 2003], [CIA Director George] Tenet called the Situation Room and told the duty […]

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“…U.S. planes started dropping bombs on Baghdad [Iraq] on March 20, 2003, at 5:30 a.m. Baghdad time (9:30 p.m. EST, March 19).”  – Vincent Bugliosi, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, Page 135 […]

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