
“Given that international law requires an occupying force to protect the civilian population, something that the U.S. has clearly failed to do, it is understandable that growing segments of Iraqi society have come to hate America.” According to a New York Times article on April 5, 2003: “This hatred, emphasizes Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, is […]

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“The DOD [Department of Defense] Working Group, headed by Air Force General Counsel Mary Walker, issued a report on April 4, 2003, that perpetuated the common plan to authorize torture and other coercive measures and to deny protections and violate the Geneva Conventions by reiterating two completely and manifestly false but familiar conclusions within the […]

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“U.S. intelligence indicates shells and warheads filled with chemical agents may have been stockpiled in hidden arsenals in and around Baghdad, and are in the custody of Republican Guard and Special Republican Guard units that are trusted by the regime. U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told a Pentagon briefing audience Thursday [April 3, 2003] […]

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“On April 2, [2003] Bush told Austrailian Prime Minister John Howard, “Saddam had has fingers around the throat of the Iraqi people, and he has two fingers left and we are prying them loose.””  – Andrew Langley, Bush, Blair, and Iraq: Days of Decision, Page 32 […]

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” ‘Many observers of the war with Iraq are focused on the looming battle for Baghdad in anticipation that it will be the culminating event of the conflict…,’ he [retired Marine Colonel Gary Anderson] wrote in the Washington Post [on April 2, 2003] several days before the fall of Baghdad. ‘But in the view of […]

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“On April 2 [2003], U.S. signals intelligence intercepted the Iraqis calling for ‘blood,’ which according to U.S. intelligence was the Iraqi code name for the long-dreaded chemical weapons attack. [1st Marine Expeditionary Force Commander Lieutenant General James] Conway told his officers that the Marines were about to be attacked with poison gas. U.S. forces had […]

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“On March 23, 2003, a U.S. Army maintenance convoy bumbled into the military city of Nasiriyah, Iraq. In the ensuing chaos, the Humvee that Private Jessica Lynch was riding in crashed, and she was badly hurt. Iraqi forces took her to a nearby civilian hospital and on the night of April 1 [2003] a Special […]

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On April 1, 2003, “Private [Jessica] Lynch is rescued from a hospital in Nasiriya [Iraq].”  – Todd S. Purdum and The New York Times Staff, A Time of Our Choosing, Page 296 […]

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Commander of Coalition Forces General Tommy Franks received an intelligence report on April 1, 2003, which claimed: “Marines clearing out Fedayeen [paramilitary fighters] barracks in As Samawah [Iraq] had found a shed with padlocked steel doors that held tons of munitions, many of the crates stamped with the stencil of Special Republican Guard units. The […]

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“Attorney Lee S. Wolosky, called to testify [before the 9/11 Commission on April 1, 2003] about al Qaeda’s financial capabilities, reported that ‘Thanks to the hard work of the Bush administration over the past eighteen months, al-Qaeda’s financial network has certainly been disrupted.’ ”  – Peter Lance, Cover Up, Page 153 […]

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