
“In late April [2003], another American military unit in the hunt for unconventional weapons in Iraq, Mobile Exploitation Team Alpha, located a man who said he had been a scientist in Iraq’s chemical weapons program for more than a decade, and he made a sensational claim: that Iraq had destroyed chemical weapons and biological warfare […]

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“In late April [2003], the State Department had singled out Iran, not Iraq, for having the strongest ties to terrorism of any nation.” [The 25th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.]  – Frank Rich, The Greatest Story Ever Sold, Page 88 […]

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“In late April [2003], Ambassador David Dunford, escorted by U.S. troops, led a small team of American officials to the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Baghdad. …The ministry building had been partially burned, and many of its offices had been ransacked. But some documents survived. Among them was a memo from the […]

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“In interviews after he was captured [on April 24, 2003], Tariq Aziz, the former deputy prime minister [of Iraq], told [the CIA’s former chief weapons inspector] Dr. [David] Kay that Mr. Hussein had become increasingly divorced from reality during the last two years of his rule. Mr. Hussein would send Mr. Aziz manuscripts of novels […]

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“On April 24 [2003], just three days after [Director of the Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance Jay] Garner arrived in Baghdad [Iraq], [Secretary of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld called him to say that President Bush had decided to name L. Paul Bremer, a former State Department counterterrorism official and veteran diplomat, to be the chief […]

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According to a San Diego Union Tribune article from April 23, 2003: “Between 1991 and 1998, U.N. weapons inspectors methodically destroyed 40,000 chemical munitions, 690 tons of chemical warfare agents, 3,000 tons of precursor chemicals, 48 SCUD missiles, a ‘super gun,’ and biological-warfare-related factories and equipment. This was more weapons than were captured during the […]

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“The United States yesterday [April 22, 2003] received the hero’s welcome it has awaited since the start of the invasion of Iraq as the new interim leader arrived in the north of the country. [Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance leader] Lieutenant-General Jay Garner was mobbed by thousands of Kurds after landing in the city […]

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“In a speech at the American Enterprise Institute on April 22 [2003], former House Speaker Newt Gingrich [R-GA]… [said] The State Department had engaged in ‘a deliberate and systematic effort to undermine the President’s [Bush’s] policies’ both before and during the invasion [of Iraq]… The past seven months have involved six months of diplomatic failure […]

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The concerns of the people on the War on Terror, “As 2003 wore on and the mission was obviously not so easily accomplished, a series of other concerns began to crop up. As early as April 21, Janette Mullenberg of Mauston, whose son was stationed at Camp Udairi, Kuwait, near Iraq was concerned that “the […]

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“The first ORHA [Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance] staff did not arrive in Baghdad [Iraq] until April 21 [2003], twelve days after Saddam Hussein’s statue had been pulled down. Much of the looting had already been done, and there was deep discomfort in Washington.”  – Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon, The Next Attack, Page […]

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