
On May 23, 2003, Coalition Provisional Authority leader L. Paul “Bremer issued a second decree dissolving the security apparatus and the Iraqi military. The orders effectively pulled the rug out from under the country’s governing structure and also removed anyone with any knowledge of how the government bureaucracy and the military functioned, leaving the Iraqi […]

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Director of Reconstruction in Iraq L. Paul Bremer issued Coalition Provisional Authority Order 2 on May 23, 2003, which abolished the Iraqi Army. “The Order had called for the payment of a one-month stipend to the cashiered force. Following the riots [by former soldiers], however, and under pressure from a number of Iraqi politicians, Bremer […]

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Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) leader in Iraq L. Paul Bremer said: “On May 23 [2003], I signed CPA Order No. 2, ‘Dissolution of Entities.’ These included the Defense Ministry, all related national security ministries and offices, and all military formations, including the Republican Guard, Special Republican Guard, Baath Party Militia, and the Fedayeen Saddam. The […]

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Director of Reconstruction in Iraq L. Paul Bremer issued Order No. 2 on May 23, 2003. It “dissolved Iraqi ‘entities,’ including the Iraqi army and intelligence services. This order threw the entire Iraqi army–half a million men–out of work at a time when unemployment in Iraq was estimated at between 50 and 70 percent. With […]

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On May 23, 2003, Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) leader L. Paul “Bremer issued CPA Order Number Two, ‘Dissolution of Entities,’ abolishing the Iraqi Army. Overnight, 400,000 Iraqi soldiers were out of work, without pay, and with nowhere to go. …By dissolving the Army, the Bush administration, State Department adviser David Phillips subsequently wrote, had ‘committed […]

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As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary”: “656. Discussion between the US and UK on the content of a new UN Security Council resolution began the same day. Resolution 1483 (2003) was eventually adopted on 22 May.”  – Commissioned by the Prime Minister The Right Honourable Gordon Brown MP, “The Report […]

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“[T]he Development Fund for Iraq (DFI), which derived from the country’s oil and gas income… had been created by UN Security Council Resolution 1483 on May 22 [2003], which also created an International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB) to audit the expenditure of DFI funds.”  – Dov S. Zakheim, A Vulcan’s Tale, Page 208 […]

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“The US and Britain produced a blueprint for postwar Iraq. In this document, which was adopted by the UN in Resolution 1483 on 22 May 2003, the allies not only identified themselves as ‘occupying powers’ but awarded themselves total control of Iraq’s oil revenues on the basis that it would be needed to rebuild Iraq’s […]

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On May 22, 2003, “the United Nations Security Council explicitly recognized United States and Britain, under international law, as ‘occupying powers’ in Iraq. Security Council Resolution 1483 called upon America and Britain ‘to promote the welfare of the Iraqi people through the effective administration of the territory,’ while creating the conditions for Iraqis to ‘freely […]

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“In late May [22, 2003], the Bush administration persuaded the UN Security Council to end the economic sanctions that had been in place against Iraq for nearly thirteen years, and to grant the United States and Britain an international mandate to occupy and reconstruct Iraq. The administration saw this as a significant diplomatic victory, since […]

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