Then-National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice wrote: “George Stephanopoulos subsequently asked me on his Sunday-morning show [ABC’s This Week] on June 8 [2003] about [New York Times columnist Nicholas] Kristof’s claim [that the Bush Administration used false intelligence to lead into the war in Iraq] and how information that some in the administration knew to be […]
“…a former senior Iraqi intelligence officer–a brigadier general–told the Los Angeles Times [on June 8, 2003] that Saddam’s intelligence services had set up a clandestine network of cells and small laboratories in the mid-1990s, with the aim of someday rebuilding the means to manufacture banned chemical and biological weapons. The officer reported that while no […]
“On June 8 [2003], National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice appeared on Meet the Press and was asked by Tim Russert if [President] Bush should retract his State of the Union sentence about Iraqi uranium shopping in Africa. She replied, ‘The president quoted a British paper. We did not know at that time–no one knew at […]
“[O]n June 6, [2003] the president [Bush] repeated his message when he spoke to resting US troops in Qatar. He said: “America sent you on a mission to remove a grave threat and to liberate an oppressed people, and that mission has been accomplished.”” – Andrew Langley, Bush, Blair, and Iraq: Days of Decision, Page 35 […]
As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary”: “681. From early June 2003, and throughout the summer, there were signs that security in both Baghdad and the South was deteriorating. The MOD’s SPG warned that ‘more organized opposition to the Coalition may be emerging’ as discontent about the Coalition’s failure to deliver […]
Nuclear weapons inspections expert David Kay spoke on June 5, 2003, with CIA Director George Tenet in regards to why WMD had not been found. ” ‘You simply cannot find weapons of mass destruction using a list,’ he [Kay] said. ‘You have to treat this like an intelligence operation. You go after people. You don’t […]
Regarding the search for WMD in Iraq, CIA Director George “Tenet said on June 5 [2003], ‘We [CIA] need to find them. We don’t want this job. The military should have done it. But we’re going to be stuck with it. …The military has screwed this up so much. I don’t want it now.’ Left […]
Iraqi Brig. Gen. Alaa “Saeed, perhaps the most senior weapons scientist to speak to a reporter since the war, says he would gladly accept a $200,000 reward U.S. officials here have quietly offered to anyone who can lead them to the poison gases, germ weapons and other illegal weapons that President Bush repeatedly insisted were […]
“…according to Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (in June [4] 2003), [President] George Bush had told him that ‘God’ instructed the president to attack al Qaeda and Iraq. This alleged remark, widely reported, was outright blasphemy for many Muslims and evoked the Crusades.” – Abdel Bari Atwan, The Secret History of al Qaeda, Page 181 […]
“One of the chiefs of the [Iraqi] chemical weapons program, Brigadier General Alaa Saeed, when asked after the war why Saddam did not help the UN resolve hundreds of unanswered questions about banned weapons, is reported to have answered, according to the Los Angeles Times [on June 4, 2003], ‘I don’t know. Maybe he is […]