
Though it wasn’t known whether or not Saddam Hussein was still alive, “On July 3, 2003, [Coalition Provisional Authority leader] Ambassador [L. Paul] Bremer offered a reward of up to $25 million for the capture of Saddam or confirmation of his whereabouts. ‘Until we know for sure,’ Bremer said, Saddam and his family would ‘continue […]

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Then-President George W. Bush recalled, “In early July [2] 2003, a reporter asked me about attacks on our troops [in Iraq]. ‘There are some who feel like that if they attack us that we may decide to leave prematurely,’ I said. ‘…My answer is: Bring ’em on.’ …My ‘bring ’em on’ comment was intended to […]

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In response to a reporter’s comment on July 2, 2003, that attacks against U.S. forces were on the rise in Iraq, President Bush responded: ” ‘There are some who feel like–that the conditions are such that they can attack us there.’ He swung his arm across his chest emphatically as he spoke. ‘My answer is, […]

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On July 2, 2003, while answering questions about the increasing number of attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq, President Bush said: ” ‘There are some who feel that if they attack us that we may decide to leave prematurely. …My answer is, bring ’em on.’ ”  – Michael Isikoff and David Corn, Hubris, Page 252 […]

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President George W. Bush on the progress in Afghanistan and Iraq: “At present, 230,000 Americans are serving inside or near Iraq. Our whole nation, especially their families, recognizes that our people in uniform face continuing danger. We appreciate their service under difficult circumstances, and their willingness to fight for American security and Iraqi freedom. As Commander-in-Chief I […]

Read More… from 7/1/2003


On June 30, 2003, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-“Sistani issued a fatwa…declaring [Director of Reconstruction in Iraq Paul] Bremer’s plan for an appointed body ‘fundamentally unacceptable’ and ruling that ‘general elections must be held so that every eligible Iraqi can choose someone to represent him at the constitutional convention that will write the constitution,’ which would […]

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The June 30, 2003, issue of The New Republic (TNR) contained an article titled ‘The First Casualty,’ which covered still-unnamed former Ambassador Joseph Wilson’s investigation of claims Iraq tried to purchase uranium from Niger. ” ‘[Vice President Dick] Cheney’s office had received from the British, via the Italians, documents purporting to show Iraq’s purchase of […]

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“In a June 30 [2003] follow-up piece, the [New York] Times’ [Andrew] Kramer cited U.S. officials (again unnamed) as acknowledging the following: ‘A group of American advisers led by a small State Department team played an integral part in drawing up contracts between the Iraqi government and five major Western oil companies…’ [This] ‘disclosure… is […]

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In an interview with the BBC on June 29, 2003, Director of Reconstruction in Iraq Paul Bremer said: ” ‘We dominate the scene and we will continue to impose our will on this country.’ “  – Abdel Bari Atwan, The Secret History of al Qaeda, Page 199 […]

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” ‘The ability to focus on it [post-Iraq war reconstruction and administration] was very difficult at the command perspective,’ added [Colonel John F.] Agoglia [in an interview conducted by Gordon Rudd on June 28, 2003]. ‘You had a lot of energy focused on the tactical piece, again Phase I through III. There wasn’t a whole […]

Read More… from 6/28/2003