
In a press conference on July 22, 2003, Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley “accepted responsibility for allowing the sixteen-word sentence about the Niger deal [to sell uranium to Iraq] to remain in the [2003 State of the Union] speech. ‘I should have recalled at the time of the State of the Union speech that […]

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“In July [22] 2003, U.S. Special Forces tracked down Uday and Qusay [Hussein] to a house in Mosul [Iraq] and killed them after a long firefight.”  – John Yoo, War By Other Means, Page 50 […]

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Regarding President Bush’s claim in the January 28, 2003, State of the Union Address of Saddam attempting to buy uranium in Africa, Deputy National Security Advisor Steve Hadley said, on July 22, 2003: ” ‘I should have either asked that the sixteen words dealing with that subject be stricken or I should have alerted DCI […]

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On July 22, 2003, Deputy National Security Advisor Steve “Hadley drafted a statement that acknowledged the earlier cautions from CIA [about claiming Iraq tried to obtain uranium from Africa], assumed full personal responsibility for allowing the sixteen words into the [January 28, 2003] State of the Union, and then tendered his resignation. Showing the statement […]

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Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley said, on July 22, 2003: ” ‘I am the senior-most official within the NSC [National Security Council] staff, directly responsible for the substantive review and clearance of presidential speeches,’ he said. ‘I failed in that responsibility in connection with the inclusion of these 16 words [regarding a Niger-Iraq uranium […]

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“On July 22 [2003], Newsday ran a piece by Timothy Phelps and Knut Royce that drew a new round of attention to the [Valerie] Plame leak. The story quoted unnamed intelligence officials confirming that Valerie Wilson was an undercover CIA officer working on WMD issues and that [journalist Robert] Novak’s [Bush] administration sources might well […]

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On July 22, 2003, “Uday and Qusay Hussein, the dictator’s [Saddam’s] vicious sons, had been killed in a shoot-out with the U.S. military.”  – Michael Isikoff and David Corn, Hubris, Pages 298-299 […]

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“While visiting Iraq [on July 21, 2003], [Deputy Secretary of Defense] Paul Wolfowitz tells reporters, ‘I’m not concerned about weapons of mass destruction,’ adding that that was now the job of American intelligence agencies. ‘I’m not saying that getting to the bottom of this WMD issue isn’t important. It is important. But it’s not of […]

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“The deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz, then making a visit to postwar Iraq, was no longer calling WMDs a ‘core reason’ for the war. ‘I’m not concerned about weapons of mass destruction,’ he told reporters on July 21 [2003]. ‘I’m concerned about getting Iraq on its feet.’ ”  – Frank Rich, The Greatest Story Ever […]

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