” ‘We’ve had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with September the eleventh,’ [President] Bush said prior to a cabinet meeting on September 17, 2003. ‘Now, what the vice president [Dick Cheney] said [on Meet the Press, three days earlier] was–is that [Saddam] has been involved with al Qaeda and [Abu Musab] al-Zarqawi, an […]
” ‘We have no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the Sept. 11’ attacks, [President] Bush said at the start of a meeting with congressional lawmakers discussing new energy legislation [on September 17, 2003]. But, he added, ‘There’s no question that Saddam Hussein had Al Qaeda ties.’ ” – Wendell Goler, Liza Porteus, and […]
Responding to a reporter’s question on September 17, 2003, President Bush said: ” ‘…we’ve had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with September 11th.’ ” – Vincent Bugliosi, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, Page 224 […]
“Only in September [17] 2003, only after occupying Iraq, only after Vice President [Dick] Cheney stretched credulity on Meet The Press, did the President [Bush] clearly state that there was ‘no evidence that Iraq was involved with the September 11 [2001] attacks.’ “ – Richard Clarke, Against All Enemies, Page 268 […]
A Boston Globe article on September 16, 2003, discussed Vice President Dick Cheney’s appearance on Meet the Press two days earlier. ” ‘Vice President Dick Cheney, anxious to defend the [Bush] White House foreign policy amid ongoing violence in Iraq, stunned intelligence analysts and even members of his own administration this week by failing to […]
“At a Pentagon news conference [on September 16, 2003], [Secretary of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld was asked about a poll that indicated nearly 70% of respondents believed the Iraqi leader [Saddam Hussein] probably was personally involved [in 9/11]. ‘I’ve not seen any indication that would lead me to believe that I could say that,’ Rumsfeld said. […]
“…on September 16 [2003], the CIA provided the Justice Department with a memo outlining the results of its inquiry and requested that the FBI open a criminal investigation of the [Valerie] Plame leak. The CIA was asking the FBI to start an inquiry that would target the White House.” – Michael Isikoff and David Corn, […]
“…in a typical U.S. Army ‘comedy of errors,’ its intelligence officers were shocked to discover that many of the cryptologic linguists that they had in Iraq could speak Korean, French, Spanish, and other languages–but not Arabic. How they ended up in Iraq in the first place remains a question that army intelligence officials do not […]
In a 42-page treatise in September 2003, titled Jihadi Iraq, Hopes and Dangers, al Qaeda Saudi cell operative Yusef al-Ayeri, aka Swift Sword, called for a strategy of isolating the U.S. by attacking its allies. ” ‘We think that the Spanish government could not tolerate more than two, maximum three blows, after which it will […]
On September 14, 2003, Senior Commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, “General [Ricardo] Sanchez ‘signed a memorandum authorizing a dozen interrogation techniques beyond [U.S. Army] Field Manual 34-52–five beyond those approved for Guantanamo’–and Under-Secretary of Defense Stephen Cambone testified later before a Senate Committee that severe and ‘stress matrix’ tactics, including the use of dogs […]