
“In an interview with Fox News anchor Brit Hume [on September 22, 2003], President Bush explains what he believes happened to Saddam’s WMDs: ‘I think he hid them, I think he dispersed them. I think he is so adapted at deceiving the civilized world for a long period of time that it’s going to take […]

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On September 22, 2003, Coalition Provisional Authority leader L. Paul Bremer made a case to the House Appropriations Committee in favor of $20 billion of grant aid for reconstruction in Iraq. He said: ” ‘If we fail to recreate Iraq with a sovereign democracy sustained by a solid economy we will have provided the terrorists […]

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“On 22 September [2003], a bomb exploded in the parking lot [of the UN compound in Baghdad], killing several Iraqi policemen. The UN senior directors in Baghdad then unanimously recommended to [UN Secretary General] Kofi Annan the evacuation of all UN staff from Iraq. Kofi Annan accepted this but nevertheless kept a residual UN presence […]

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On September 20, 2003, former Iraqi Foreign Service Senior Diplomat and current Governing Council Member Dr. “Aqila al-Hashemi was shot in the abdomen as she was leaving to attend a meeting of the Governing Council. …Nine assailants attacked her outside her house. She died three days later. Her security detail, mainly relatives, were insufficiently trained […]

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Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) Order 39 “dealt with the dismantling of nearly all controls over non-oil foreign investments, with the exception of the banking sector, and allowed unimpeded access to the Iraqi market by foreign investors. On the surface, this example of neo-liberal thinking appeared innocuous enough, given the manifest need of the Iraqi economy […]

Read More… from 9/19/2003


Director of Reconstruction in Iraq L. Paul Bremer issued Order No. 39 on September 19, 2003. “It includes the following provisions: (1) privatization of Iraq’s state-owned enterprises; (2) 100 percent foreign ownership of Iraqi businesses; (3) ‘national treatment’–which means no preferences for local over foreign businesses, which has allowed for a U.S. corporate invasion of […]

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In Iraq, Coalition Provisional Authority head L. Paul Bremer “excluded the oil industry when issuing Order 39 in September [19] 2003″ which privatized “nearly 200 Iraqi public sector companies…opening them up to 100 percent foreign ownership. The Bush White House had also realized by then that denationalizing the oil industry would be a blatant violation […]

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” ‘Our military is confronting the terrorists, along with our allies, in Iraq and Afghanistan so that innocent civilians will not have to confront terrorist violence in Washington or London or anywhere else in the world,’ Vice President Dick Cheney said in September [17] 2003.”  – Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon, The Next Attack, Page […]

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“In September [17] 2003…even President Bush himself tersely conceded for the first time that there was ‘no evidence’ that Saddam played any role in the 9/11 atrocities.”  – Peter Bergen, The Longest War, Page 134 […]

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Regarding Vice President Dick Cheney’s comment that ‘we don’t know’ about a potential involvement of Iraq in 9/11, columnist Joshua Micah Marshall wrote, in The Hill newspaper on September 17, 2003: ” ‘By any reasonable standard, that’s a lie. …American intelligence and law enforcement have been investigating the Sept. 11 attacks for more than two […]

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