
“An audiotape purportedly from Osama bin Laden’s top lieutenant, Ayman al Zawahiri, has aired on several Arabic language television networks. Among other things, the voice on the tape urges Pakistanis to overthrow Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf, for what it calls ‘betraying Islam.’ …The speaker blames Musharraf for enabling the U.S. to topple Afghanistan’s Taliban government. […]

Read More… from 9/29/2003


In a Newsweek article on September 29, 2003, as a response to the 9/11 attacks, “General Wesley Clark commented that the focus on Iraq ‘was the old idea of state sponsorship–even though there was no evidence of Iraqi sponsorship whatsoever–and the opportunity to *roll it all up.* I could imagine the arguments. War to unseat […]

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As mentioned in The New York Times on September 29, 2003, despite paying around $4 million a year for intelligence obtained from Iraqi presidential hopeful Ahmed Chalabi: “The DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency] conducted an internal assessment of the information on Iraq provided by Chalabi’s defectors and concluded that most of it ‘was of little or […]

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“Paul Waldman, author of several books on the press and public opinion, suggested the Bush administration might be guilty of something called ‘enthymematic argumentation.’ In a Washington Post opinion piece on September 28, 2003, Waldman argued, ‘in an enthymeme, the speaker builds an argument with one element removed, leading listeners to fill in the missing […]

Read More… from 9/28/2003


In an appearance on Meet the Press on September 28, 2003, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said: ” ‘Saddam Hussein–no one has said that there is evidence that Saddam Hussein directed or controlled 9/11, but let’s be very clear, he had ties to Al Qaeda, he had Al Qaeda operatives who had operated out of […]

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In an appearance on Meet the Press on September 28, 2003, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said: ” ‘…no one has said that there is evidence that Saddam Hussein directed or controlled 9/11, but let’s be very clear, he had ties to Al Qaeda.’ ”  – “What the Bush Administration Said,” The New York Times, […]

Read More… from 9/28/2003


“On the evening of September 26, 2003, MSNBC had posted a story on its Web site reporting that the CIA had asked the Justice Department to investigate the [CIA operations officer Valerie] Plame [identity] leak…for the [Bush] administration, the implication was ominous: if somebody at the White House had disclosed her name, that person could […]

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“A rapid handover of sovereignty to the [Iraqi Governing] council ‘would be a mistake,’ [Director of the Coalition Provisional Authority L. Paul] Bremer told the Senate Armed Services Committee in late September [25, 2003]. ‘No appointed government…can have the legitimacy necessary to take on the difficult issues the Iraqis face as they write their constitution, […]

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“In late September [2003], [CIA Director George] Tenet returned from a meeting at the White House with instructions for CIA. …The White House had concocted a fake letter from [Iraqi intelligence head Tahir Jalil] Habbush to Saddam, backdated to July 1, 2001. It said that 9/11 ringleader Mohammed Atta had actually trained for his mission […]

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“In a one-on-one meeting in New York on September 24, 2003, CIA director [George] Tenet confronted [Pakistani President Pervez] Musharraf with evidence of planned proliferation to Libya (including the design for a bomb) via [nuclear scientist] A.Q. Khan. Tenet said Khan ‘is betraying your country and has stolen some of your nation’s most sensitive secrets.’ […]

Read More… from 9/24/2003