“Writing in [the October 27, 2003, issue of] The New Yorker, Seymour Hersh reports that while there is no consensus about the origin of the forgeries [of documents that ostensibly demonstrated an attempt by Saddam Hussein to purchase uranium from Niger], it ‘may have been done by a small group of disgruntled retired CIA clandestine […]
In Baghdad, Iraq, “On October 26 [2003], the al-Rashid Hotel, in the supposedly impregnable Green Zone, which headquartered the American occupation, was hit by rocket fire while Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz was staying there. Wolfowitz escaped uninjured, but a senior U.S. Army officer was killed and seventeen people were wounded in a ‘brazen […]
In a Washington Post article on October 26, 2003, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld wrote: ” ‘terrorism is relatively low-cost and deniable and can yield substantial results at low risk and often without penalty. Terrorism can be a great equalizer–a force multiplier.’ ” – Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke, America Alone, Page 327 […]
According to a report on NBC News on October 24, 2003: ” ‘Newly disclosed documents in the East Africa embassy bombings case show that U.S. intelligence was aware of Osama bin Laden’s terrorist cell in Kenya two years before the August 1998 bombings that killed 224 people, including 12 Americans. As early as August 1996, […]
“Later in the [October 23, 2003] meeting, one of [Australian Prime Minister John] Howard’s advisers asked [President] Bush if he thought Islamic cultures could really adopt democracy. ‘I think so over time,’ Bush replied. ‘I believe Iraq is the place’ that will help make it happen. ‘It will evolve into a democratic, free’ country like […]
In an address to Australia’s parliament on October 22, 2003, President Bush said: ” ‘We are committed to multilateral institutions because global threats require a global response.’ ” – Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke, America Alone, Page 338 […]
From an audiotape released by Osama bin Laden and broadcast by Al Jazeera on October 19, 2003: “After mocking [President] Bush for ‘begging the world to come to [his] aid’ by providing troops in Iraq, he threatened those who supported the occupation: ‘Let the transgressors know that we reserve our right in responding when and […]
In a message aired by Al Jazeera on October 18, 2003, Osama bin Laden said: ” ‘We reserve the right to retaliate at the appropriate time and place against all countries involved [in the invasion of Iraq], especially the UK, Spain, Australia, Poland, Japan and Italy.’ “ – Abdel Bari Atwan, The Secret History of […]
“On 18 October [2003] bin Laden posted a videotaped message on Internet sites urging Iraqis to ‘wage a holy war against the American Crusaders in Iraq;’ additional messages from unnamed militants included one in clear English: ‘We want all Christians and Jews to go out from our Islamic countries and release our brothers from jail […]
Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, then-Commander of the ground forces in Iraq, wrote: “Over the course of two nights, October 18 and 19, 2003, four enlisted military policemen of the 372nd MP [Military Police] Company and three intel specialists of the 325th MI [Military Intelligence] Battalion pulled about a dozen Iraqi prisoners out of their cells […]