
Libyan President Muammar “Qaddafi admitted late in [December 19] 2003 that his regime had spent hundreds of millions of dollars developing weapons of mass destruction, and he invited the international community to intervene and surrendered his WMD projects.”  – Tommy Franks with Malcolm McConnell, American Soldier, Page 556 […]

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On December 19, 2003, “five days after Saddam Hussein had been captured in Iraq, Muammar Gadhafi of Libya publicly abandoned his WMD programs.”  – Stephen F. Hayes, Cheney, Page 425 […]

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Economic consulting company “BearingPoint was asked [by the U.S government] to prepare a second, more specific report on Iraq’s oil industry in December [19] 2003. The report, ‘Options for Developing a Long-Term Sustainable Iraqi Oil Industry,’ overwhelmingly supports the introduction of foreign oil company participation in the Iraqi oil sector.”  – Antonia Juhasz, The Tyranny […]

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While testifying before the 9/11 Commission on December 18, 2003, counterterrorism czar Richard “Clarke claimed that [Condoleezza] Rice, in her early briefings as national security adviser in 2001, had given him the impression that she had never heard the term al-Qaeda before (something she would later strenuously and effectively deny). He said he told her […]

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“In an interview with CBS News on December 17 [2003], he [9/11 Commission Chairman Thomas Kean] suggested that the 9/11 attacks might have been preventable. ‘As you read the report,’ Kean said, ‘you’re going to have a pretty clear idea what wasn’t done and what should have been done. This was not something that had […]

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In preparing for the 9/11 Commission Report, the commissioners and staff asked the question: “Could we have prevented 9/11? We were asked this question over and over again, particularly after [Commission co-chair] Tom [Kean]‘s December [17] 2003 interview with CBS. Lurking in the background was the notion of accountability and politics: Should President Clinton or […]

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“It wasn’t until Wednesday [December 17, 2003] that Newsweek‘s prizewinning reporters Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball offered the first challenge to the [Iraqi intelligence head Tahir Jalil] Habbush letter [which asserted operational connections between Iraq, 9/11 lead hijacker Mohammed Atta and al Qaeda], citing the FBI’s evidence of Atta’s whereabouts during this period and saying […]

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“On December 17 [2003], the State Department warns American families to leave Saudi Arabia. The decision has come after suicide bombings by Al Qaeda in May and November and is based on a review of the threat level to American interests in Saudi Arabia.”  – Craig Unger, House of Bush, House of Saud, Pages 305-306 […]

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“Asked by Diane Sawyer of ABC News in December [16] 2003 about the assertion that Saddam possessed actual weapons, as opposed to the capacity to make or get them, [President] Bush replied, ‘So what’s the difference?’ In that interview and others, he hewed to one version or another of the line: ‘Saddam Hussein was a […]

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President Bush was interviewed by Diane Sawyer of ABC News on December 16, 2003. “She pressed him as no journalist yet had, repeatedly asking him about the nonexistent weapons of mass destruction, the [Iraq Survey Group leader David] Kay report [which concluded there were no WMD in Iraq], the sixteen retracted words [in the 2003 […]

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