
In an appearance on Meet the Press on March 28, 2004, “Richard Clarke, the national security adviser for terrorism in 2001, said he and CIA director George Tenet became increasingly convinced in the summer of 2001 that something was up, so much so that Clarke said Tenet ‘had his hair on fire.’ ”  – Brian […]

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In her 60 Minutes interview on March 28, 2004, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said former counterterrorism czar “Richard Clarke had plenty of opportunities to tell us in the [Bush] administration that he thought the war on terrorism was moving in the wrong direction, and he chose not to.”  – Philip Shenon, The Commission, Pages […]

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In March 2004, “the weekly newspaper Hawza, which was operated by [Iraqi theologian and political leader] Muqtada al-Sadr’s organization, ran a series of articles suggesting that violence against coalition forces was more than appropriate. The paper (which had a circulation of 50,000) also took a shot at [Coalition Provisional Authority leader] Ambassador [L. Paul] Bremer […]

Read More… from 3/27/2004


CIA Director George Tenet provided a written statement for the 9/11 Commission on March 24, 2004. Regarding information on terrorist attacks in the summer of 2001, he wrote: “The reporting was maddeningly short on actionable details. The most ominous reporting hinting at ‘something big’ was also the most vague. The only occasions in this thread […]

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CIA Director George Tenet provided a written statement for the 9/11 Commission on March 24, 2004. He wrote: “We strove to find the best balance between strategic and tactical analysis. From 1995 to the 11 September attacks we produced 46 papers that I would call significant strategic intelligence analysis on Bin Ladin, al-Qa’ida, and Islamic […]

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CIA Director George Tenet provided a written statement for the 9/11 Commission on March 24, 2004. He wrote: “The Taliban aided Bin Ladin by assigning him security guards, establishing communications facilities for him and al-Qa’ida, spreading disinformation on his behalf, and permitting him to build and maintain terrorist camps. The Taliban refused to cooperate with […]

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In testimony before the 9/11 Commission on March 24, 2004, former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke said: ” ‘By invading Iraq, the President of the United States [Bush] has greatly undermined the war on terror.’ ”  – Stephen F. Hayes, The Connection, Page xvii […]

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“Following [former counterterrorism czar] Richard Clarke’s testimony before the [9/11] Commission on March 24 [2004], approval of the president’s [Bush’s] handling of homeland security and the war on terror had dropped by eight points.”  – Peter Lance, Cover Up, Page 177 […]

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In testimony before the 9/11 Commission on March 24, 2004, CIA Director George Tenet was asked why the CIA didn’t protect the American people on 9/11. He replied: ” ‘We didn’t steal the secret that told us what the plot was. We didn’t recruit the right people or technically collect the data, notwithstanding enormous effort […]

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CIA Director George Tenet defended the CIA in his testimony before the 9/11 Commission on March 24, 2004: ” ‘The idea that [the CIA’s clandestine officers] are risk-averse, couldn’t get the job done, weren’t forward-leaning–I’m sorry. I’ve heard those comments, and I just categorically reject them.’ ”  – Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, Without Precedent, […]

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