
Amidst the uprising in Fallujah, Iraq, on April 9, 2004, Director of Reconstruction in Iraq Paul “Bremer ordered a cease-fire… The purpose, he said, was ‘to give a political track an opportunity to reduce the violence,’ while allowing urgently needed medical supplies and food to reach the city, and the residents to bury the dead. […]

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On April 9, 2004, Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) leader L. Paul Bremer “formally announced that coalition forces would unilaterally cease offensive operations in Fallujah. He stated that the CPA wanted to facilitate negotiations between the Iraqi Governing Council and city spokespersons, and use the time to allow humanitarian supplies to be delivered to residents. Amid […]

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” ‘I’ve asked myself a thousand times what more we could have done,’ [National Security Advisor Condoleezza] Rice would later tell the 9/11 Commission [in testimony on April 8, 2004]… ‘I know that had we thought that there was an attack coming in Washington or New York, we would have moved heaven and earth to […]

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In testimony before the 9/11 Commission on April 8, 2004, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said: ” ‘America’s al Qaeda policy wasn’t working because our Afghanistan policy wasn’t working. And our Afghanistan policy wasn’t working because our Pakistan policy wasn’t working. We recognized that America’s counter-terrorism policy had to be connected to our regional strategies […]

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In testimony before the 9/11 Commission on April 8, 2004, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said, regarding the threat of Osama bin Laden: ” ‘I, myself, had written for an introduction to a volume on bioterrorism done at Stanford that I thought that we wanted not to wake up one day and find that Osama […]

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On April 8, 2004, “After more than two and a half hours of testimony [before the 9/11 Commission], [National Security Advisor Condoleezza] Rice was released. Incredibly, not one of the Commissioners asked her a single question about the performance of the White House on the day of 9/11.”  – Peter Lance, Cover Up, Page 181 […]

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In testimony before the 9/11 Commission on April 8, 2004, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice was questioned about the August 6, 2001, PDB (President’s Daily Briefing). She said: ” ‘It did not warn of attacks inside the United States. It was historical information based on old reporting. There was no new threat information. And it […]

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National Security Advisor Condoleezza “Rice stressed to the [9/11] Commission [in testimony on April 8, 2004] that ‘if we had known that an attack was coming against the United States, we would have moved heaven and earth to stop it.’ ”  – Peter Lance, Cover Up, Page 56 […]

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National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice testified before the 9/11 Commission on April 8, 2004. “In response to a question posed by Commissioner Bob Kerrey, Rice insisted that ‘the problem was that for a country that had not been attacked on its territory in a major way in almost 200 years, there were a lot of […]

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“[I]n her statement and testimony before the [9/11] Commission on April 8 [2004], [National Security Advisor Condoleezza] Rice repeatedly called the warnings in the [August 6, 2001] PDB [President’s Daily Briefing] ‘historical’ and devoid of any actionable intelligence that would have given the White House a prior warning of the 9/11 attacks.”  – Peter Lance, […]

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