In April 2004, Iraq Survey Group leader Charles Duelfer met with CIA Director George Tenet and asked him to support the release of a declassified final report on Iraq’s status regarding WMD. “According to Duelfer, ‘Saddam Husayn so dominated the Iraqi regime that its strategic intent was his alone. He wanted his weapons of mass […]
CIA Director George Tenet told the 9/11 Commission in his April 14, 2004, testimony: ” ‘We made mistakes’ before 9/11. Specifically, he cited the failure to put future hijackers [Nawaf al-] Hazmi and [Khalid al-] Midhar on terrorism watch lists, even though they were known to the CIA; the fact that terrorism watch lists in […]
Based on information from the hearings on April 14, 2004, the 9/11 Commission staff reported: ” ‘The DCI [Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet] labored within–and was accountable for–a Community of loosely associated agencies and departmental offices that lacked the incentives to cooperate, collaborate, and share information. …As a result, a question remains: Who is […]
Based on information from the hearings on April 14, 2004, the 9/11 Commission reported that, despite sweeping reforms by head of FBI Robert Mueller, ” ‘…there is no national strategy for sharing information [among the intelligence community] to counter terrorism.’ ” – Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, Without Precedent, Page 198 […]
The President Addresses the Nation in Prime Time Press Conference. “What else — part of the question — oh, oil revenues. Well, the oil revenues are — they’re bigger than we thought they would be at this point in time. I mean, one year after the liberation of Iraq, the revenues of the oil stream […]
“At a prime-time news conference in the East Room on April 13 [2004], [President] Bush stumbled when John Dickerson of Time magazine asked him to name his biggest mistake since September 11. …’I wish you would have given me this written question ahead of time so I could plan for it,’ Bush said, pausing to […]
“On April 13, 2004, shortly after the Fallujah cease-fire, President Bush addressed the nation in a prime-time press conference. He began with a brief statement about the situation in Iraq. …’The violence we have seen is a power grab by these extreme and ruthless elements. It’s not a civil war. It’s not a popular uprising. […]
“On April 13 [2004], the New York Times had published a front-page article about a Pakistani scientist named A.Q. Khan, considered the father of Pakistan’s nuclear program, who had confessed in February to selling nuclear weapons expertise and equipment on the black market. According to the story, Khan told Pakistani interrogators that he had visited […]
Echoing National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice’s comments a few days earlier, President Bush said, on April 13, 2004: ” ‘If I had any inkling whatsoever that people were going to fly airplanes into buildings, we would have moved heaven and earth to save the country.’ ” – Peter Lance, Cover Up, Page 13 […]
In his testimony before the 9/11 Commission on April 13, 2004, Attorney General John Ashcroft said: ” ‘The single greatest structural cause for September 11 was the wall that segregated criminal investigators and intelligence agents. Government erected this wall. And before September 11, government was blinded by this wall.’ ” – John Ashcroft, Never Again, […]