On May 12, 2004, “The Vatican’s foreign minister [Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo], invoking the word ‘torture,’ called Abu Ghraib ‘a more serious blow to the United States than September 11.’ ” – Donald Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown, Page 546 […]
“As late as May [12] 2004, Secretary [of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld told a Senate Committee investigating widely publicized, widespread and criminal interrogation abuses in Iraq and reports of abuse at Guantanamo that the Geneva Conventions apply to all detainees in Iraq but, in his, (and the President’s [Bush’s]) manifestly erroneous view, they do not apply […]
Regarding his independent investigation of detainee abuse at Guantanamo, released on May 11, 2004, Vice Admiral Albert Church “has said, ‘I thought going in that I was going to find something different. I thought I was going to find the dots connecting. …You had pictures of Abu Ghraib. You had leaks beginning to show up […]
“The Church Report [the independent investigation of Vice Admiral Albert Church into detainee abuse at Guantanamo (GTMO), released on May 11, 2004] stated of Guantanamo Bay: ‘Detainees were more likely to suffer injury from playing soccer or volleyball during recreational periods than they were from interactions with interrogators or guards. …In our view, the extremely […]
” ‘We found no link between approved interrogation techniques and detainee abuse,’ Vice Admiral Albert Church concluded from his independent investigation of detainee operations [at Guantanamo, on May 11, 2004]. He noted that ‘the Office of the Secretary of Defense [Donald Rumsfeld] was a moderating force that cut back on the number and types of […]
The Church Report, prepared by Vice Admiral Albert Church and titled, ‘Review of Department of Defense Operations and Detainee Interrogation Techniques,’ was released on May 11, 2004. It concluded: ” ‘[N]one of the pictured abuses [from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq]…bear any resemblance to approved policies at any level, in any theater. …[N]o approved interrogation […]
The Church Report, prepared by Vice Admiral Albert Church and titled, ‘Review of Department of Defense Operations and Detainee Interrogation Techniques,’ was released on May 11, 2004. It concluded: ” ‘One point is clear…[W]e found no direct (or even indirect) link between interrogation policy and detainee abuse.” – Donald Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown, Page 552 […]
On May 11, 2004, “A video is released on an Islamic Web site showing the execution–by beheading–of Nicholas Berg, an American civilian in Iraq.” – Todd S. Purdum and The New York Times Staff, A Time of Our Choosing, Page 300 […]
“National Security Presidential Directive 36 [signed by President Bush on May 11, 2004] superseded the prewar order giving total control over Iraq to the Pentagon. It specified that upon termination of the CPA [Coalition Provisional Authority], no later than June 30 [2004], ‘the United States will be represented in Iraq by a Chief of Mission, […]
Regarding the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib: ” ‘Shamefully, we now learn that Saddam’s torture chambers reopened under new management–U.S. management,’ Senator Ted Kennedy [D-MA] declared on the floor of the United States Senate [on May 10, 2004].” – Donald Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown, Page 546 […]