
In Iraq, “On 28 May [2004] the Governing Council announced that Ayad Allawi was going to be Iraq’s interim prime minister.”  – Ali A. Allawi, The Occupation of Iraq, Page 285 […]

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“Increasingly isolated politically, and with hundreds of his [Mahdi Army militia] fighters dead, [radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-] Sadr agreed, on May 27 [2004], to a deal with Iraqi leaders, approved by U.S. officials (under pressure from [Grand Ayatollah Ali al-] Sistani). Sadr would pull his forces off the streets of Najaf and Kufa, withdraw […]

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Speaking at New York University on May 26, 2004, former Vice President Al Gore said, regarding prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib in Iraq: ” ‘What happened at the prison, it is now clear, was not the result of random acts but a few bad apples… It was the natural consequence of the Bush administration policy.’ […]

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“In May [26] 2004, Attorney General John Ashcroft warned that al Qaeda could ‘hit hard’ in the next few months and said that 90 percent of the arrangements for an attack on U.S. soil were complete.”  – Foreign Affairs, The U.S. vs. al Qaeda, Page 158 […]

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On May 26, 2004, Attorney General John “Ashcroft told the nation that ‘credible intelligence from multiple sources indicates that al-Qaeda plans to attempt an attack in the next few months. This disturbing intelligence indicated al-Qaeda’s specific intention to hit the United States hard.’ He said that the government estimated that al-Qaeda was ‘almost ready to […]

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“Gen. Anthony Zinni, who was Gen. Tommy Franks’s predecessor as commander of U.S. CENTCOM [Central Command], believes that Saddam posed little threat. ‘We bombed him almost at will,’ he said in a [May 26] 2004 speech to the Center for Defense Information. ‘No one in the region felt threatened by Saddam. …So to say that […]

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According to information in The New York Times on May 26, 2004: “…an army survey of prisoner deaths and mistreatment in Iraq and Afghanistan showed a widespread pattern of abuse involving a significant number of military units in many different locations. This pattern of abuse clearly did not spring from a few twisted minds at […]

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“U.S. officials believe that bin Laden is still the greatest threat to the United States, but say they are now convinced that [al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-] Zarqawi has global capability to match anyone’s. U.S. intelligence officials say they have tracked Zarqawi cells operating not only in Iraq, but in Saudi Arabia, […]

Read More… from 5/25/2004


“In late May [2004], Iraqi police, supported by American soldiers, raided the Baghdad home and offices of Ahmad Chalabi, who had become a member of the Iraqi interim governing council created by the U.S. government. …Chalabi, who openly maintained ties with Iranian officials, was under investigation by the FBI for having handed top secret American […]

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During a speech given at the United States Army War College the President stated: “The first of these steps will occur next month, when our coalition will transfer full sovereignty to a government of Iraqi citizens who will prepare the way for national elections. On June 30th, the Coalition Provisional Authority will cease to exist, and […]

Read More… from 5/24/2004