
The State Department’s Patterns of Global Terrorism 2003 report, released in April 2004, claimed that terrorist incidents had dropped to 190, the lowest in over 30 years. “But after Democratic congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) sought a review of the report by the Congressional Research Service, Secretary [of State] Colin Powell was forced to admit that terrorism […]

Read More… from 6/10/2004


As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary”: “[UN] Security Council adopts resolution 1546.”  – Commissioned by the Prime Minister The Right Honourable Gordon Brown MP, “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry: Executive Summary,” IraqInquiry.org.uk, June 8, 2004 […]

Read More… from 6/8/2004


On June 8, 2004, “The UN Security Council votes unanimously in favor of a U.S.-British resolution to end the formal occupation of Iraq on June 30 and transfer ‘full sovereignty’ to the interim Iraqi government.”  – Todd S. Purdum and The New York Times Staff, A Time of Our Choosing, Page 300 […]

Read More… from 6/8/2004


“The terms of the UN Resolution 1546 [adopted on June 8, 2004] that endorsed the formation of the Interim Iraqi Government were explicit in their treatment of the status of the Coalition forces in Iraq. UN Security Council Resolution 1546 stated ‘that the multinational force shall have the authority to take all necessary measures to […]

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Regarding the Justice Department’s August 1, 2002 memo, which allowed for the use of torture against enemy combatants, National Security Advisor Condoleezza “Rice and [Secretary of State Colin] Powell, in what was now a familiar pattern, knew nothing about this document until they read about it two years later, on June 8, 2004, in The […]

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“On June 8 [2004], UN Security Council Resolution 1546 was unanimously adopted. It welcomed the Iraqi interim government as a ‘new phase in Iraq’s transition to a democratically elected government. It also contained an explicit endorsement of the timeline established in the TAL [Transitional Administrative Law] and of elections by January 31, 2005.”  – L. […]

Read More… from 6/8/2004


On June 8, 2004, “Someone leaked the August 2002 [John] Yoo/[Jay] Bybee torture memo to the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post. The papers published devastating stories linking the scandalous abuses in Abu Ghraib [prison in Iraq] to the Bush Administration’s stunning legal policy authorizing everything short of near-death.”  – Jane Mayer, The Dark […]

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“Scott Ritter, formerly a high-profile U.N. weapons inspector, told The New Yorker [on June 7, 2004] that [Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmed] Chalabi offered him Iraqi oil concessions. ‘He told me that, if I played ball, when he became President he’d control all of the oil concessions, and he’d make sure I was well taken […]

Read More… from 6/7/2004


“The [June 7, 2004] Pentagon report [on interrogation procedures] uses language very similar to that in the [August 1] 2002 Justice Department memo written in response to the CIA’s request: ‘If a government defendant were to harm an enemy combatant during an interrogation in a manner that might arguably violate criminal prohibition, he would be […]

Read More… from 6/7/2004


“A U.S. law enacted in 1994 bars torture by U.S. military personnel anywhere in the world. But the Pentagon group’s [June 7, 2004] report, prepared under the supervision of General Counsel William J. Haynes II, said that ‘in order to respect the President’s inherent constitutional authority to manage a military campaign…[the prohibition against torture] must […]

Read More… from 6/7/2004