“More than 300 pages of documents related to the no-fly and related lists were released late Thursday night [October 7, 2004] by the TSA [Transportation Security Administration] and the FBI in response to a federal court order. …The documents reveal early symptoms of what are now known to be flaws with the watch lists. Travelers […]
According to an October 7, 2004, BBC News article: despite raising concerns over the threats of an attack by Iraq on the U.S. as a reason for going to war, “By October 2004, the chief U.S. weapons inspector [Charles Duelfer] concluded that Iraq’s nuclear capability had decayed, not grown, since the 1991 Gulf War.” – […]
“On October 6 [2004], Charles Duelfer, who had taken over from David Kay as head of the Iraq Survey Group, produced his final report on the hunt for weapons of mass destruction. Just as Kay had, Duelfer concluded Saddam Hussein had no such weapons and was making no concerted effort to develop them. …Hussein did […]
“In October [6] 2004, [Iraqi Survey Group leader] Charles Duelfer…submitted a final report on the hunt for Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. In conclusions that contradicted nearly every prewar assessment made by top [Bush] administration officials, Duelfer told Congress that Saddam Hussein’s WMD stockpiles and production capability had been effectively destroyed in Operation Desert Storm […]
“In October [6] 2004, Charles Duelfer, who succeeded [David] Kay as head of ISG [Iraq Survey Group], produced the group’s final findings. There was no such arsenal [of WMD], the weapons inspector concluded in a one-thousand-page report. Saddam had indeed eliminated his weapons in the early 1990s, but had tried to preserve the intellectual and […]
“…a number of mainstream articles and books have been published accusing [Vice President Dick] Cheney of dishonesty and misleading statements about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, about Iraq and the terrorist Mohamed Atta, about Iraq and aluminum tubes, about Iraq and uranium yellowcake. This was brought to a head by Cheney’s shameless lie to […]
“On October 6 [2004], Charles Duelfer, David Kay’s successor as head of the WMD-hunting Iraq Survey Group, presented his comprehensive report to Congress. …Saddam’s WMD capability, it said, ‘was essentially destroyed in 1991.’ ” – Michael Isikoff and David Corn, Hubris, Page 374 […]
Released on October 6, 2004, “The 960-page [Duelfer] Report,’ based on fifteen months of work and interviews in Iraq…concluded that Hussein ended his program to build a nuclear weapon in 1991 and never tried to restart it. However, according to the report, former Iraqi officials said they ‘heard [Hussein] say’ or they ‘inferred’ that Hussein […]
The ‘Duelfer Report,’ released by the CIA’s Iraq Survey Group on October 6, 2004, said the reason Saddam Hussein remained ambiguous about having weapons of mass destruction was to deter Iran. ” ‘The Iranian threat,’ [Iraq Survey Group leader Charles] Duelfer told members of the Senate Armed Services Committee on October 6 [2004], ‘was very, […]
In the vice presidential debate on October 5, 2004, Vice President Dick “Cheney concluded that ‘we need to battle them [terrorists] overseas so we don’t have to battle them here at home.’ ” – Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Bin Laden’s Legacy, Page 58 […]