Abu Walid al Misri, editor of al Imara (The Emirate) magazine, the Arabic-language magazine for the Taliban, wrote a book about the ‘Afghan Arabs,’ which was serialized in Al Sharq al Awsat newspaper from December 8-14, 2004. In it, he said: ” ‘The Taliban authorities in Kabul had in their possession a considerable quantity of […]
On a visit to Camp Pendleton to thank military personnel and their families, President Bush said, “Next month, Iraqis will vote in free and democratic elections. As election day approaches, we can expect further violence from the terrorists. You see, the terrorists understand what is at stake. They know they have no future in a […]
“The leaders of Iraq and Jordan warned yesterday [December 7, 2004] that Iran is trying to influence the Iraqi elections scheduled for Jan. 30 [2005] to create an Islamic government that would dramatically shift the geopolitical balance between Shiite and Sunni Muslims in the Middle East. Iraqi President Ghazi Yawar charged that Iran is coaching […]
On December 7, 2004, “Jordanian King Abdullah said that more than 1 million Iranians have crossed the 910-mile border into Iraq, many to vote in the election–with the encouragement of the Iranian government. ‘I’m sure there’s a lot of people, a lot of Iranians in there that will be used as part of the polls […]
In his inauguration speech on December 7, 2004, Afghanistan’s first democratically-elected President, Hamid Karzai, said: ” ‘Whatever we have achieved in Afghanistan–the peace, the election, the reconstruction, the life that the Afghans are living today in peace, the children going to school, the businesses, the fact that Afghanistan is again a respected member of the […]
CIA operative Howard Hart said, in a report published by the Miller Center of Public Affairs on December 3, 2004, ” ‘CIA’s clandestine service can be criticized for not having done as well as it should have [in anti-terrorism efforts]. That is a fair statement. Because we have people who just don’t pull their weight. […]
“Under detailed questioning by a federal judge, government lawyers asserted Wednesday [December 1, 2004] the U.S. military can hold foreigners indefinitely as enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, even if they aided terrorists unintentionally and never fought the United States. Could a ‘little old lady in Switzerland’ who sent a check to an orphanage in […]
According to the Boston Globe on November 29, 2004: “Many who joined the military out of high school believed the false claims of the Bush administration that Saddam Hussein was somehow connected to the terrorist attacks of September 11, or to Al Qaeda.” – James Bamford, A Pretext for War, Pages 422-423 […]
“In 1996, the FBI had hired 36 IRSs [Intelligence Research Specialists] in an effort to bolster its international terrorism analytical program. According to witnesses, within a year approximately half of the IRSs had left the program. By mid-1999, there were only approximately 15 international terrorism IRSs, and by mid-2000 there were only 10 IRSs devoted […]
“In November 2004, a joint statement, authored by the Ba’th Party and signed by several groups including [al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab] al-Zarqawi’s, appeared on several jihadi websites. ‘We are committed to intensifying armed attacks against coalition forces and their spies and agents,’ it read. However, the Islamists added this qualification: ‘We are […]