“Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Thursday [March 10, 2005] that al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups are doing everything they can to get into the United States through Mexico and Canada. …’Indeed we have from time to time had reports about al-Qaeda trying to use our southern border but also trying to use our northern […]
“In the unclassified portion of his [March 10, 2005] report [into detainee interrogation and incarceration in the war on terror], [Vice Admiral Albert] Church concluded, ‘It is clear that none of the pictured abuses at Abu Ghraib [prison in Iraq] bear any resemblance to approved policies at any level, in any theater.’ ” – John […]
From information in an Associated Press article on March 7, 2005: “In a candid, but damning moment, Attorney General [Alberto] Gonzales admitted that diplomatic assurances against torture are unreliable. ‘We can’t fully control what a country might do. We obviously expect a country to which we have rendered a detainee to comply with their representation […]
President George W. Bush on the situation in the Middle East: “The Iraqis defied the terrorists and went to the polls by the millions because they want to live in a free society. The desire for people to self-govern and to live in a free world is catching on in parts of the Middle East. In Beirut, […]
” ‘We’re on a constant hunt for bin Laden,’ [President] Bush reassured America [on March 3, 2005]. ‘We’re keeping the pressure on him, keeping him in hiding.’ ” – Craig Unger, The Fall of the House of Bush, Page 334 […]
On March 2, 2005, “The Vice Admiral Albert T. Church Report on Detainee Interrogation and Incarceration is released. The panel examined 187 investigations of allegations of detainee abuse that had been completed as of September 30, 2004. Of those, 117 cases were unsubstantiated or did not constitute abuse, and of the 70 remaining completed cases […]
“In March [1] 2005 Attorney General Alberto Gonzales summarized the FBI’s record by reporting to Congress that its counterterrorism effort ‘more than tripled’ since September 2001, ‘from 9,340 cases pending and received in the field to over 33,000 in FY [fiscal year] 2004.’ ” – Ian S. Lustick, Trapped in the War on Terror, Page […]
“…Raed al-Banna, a thirty-two-year-old Jordanian English-speaking lawyer…was denied entry at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport on June 14, 2003, because border officials detected ‘multiple terrorist risk factors.’ A year and a half later, on February 28, 2005, Banna conducted a suicide bombing in Hilla, Iraq, that killed 132 people; his fingerprints were found on the severed hand […]
In an article in the British newspaper The Telegraph on February 26, 2005, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said: “The number of troops sent to Iraq had been ‘enough troops for war but not for peace, for establishing order… My own preference would have been for more forces after the conflict.’ ” – Karen […]
According to the Pakistani newspaper Dawn on February 25, 2005: “The United States had spent more than $57 million in payouts to informants along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, but there were no leads on bin Laden.” – Ahmed Rashid, Descent Into Chaos, Page 280 […]