“On July 21 [2005], [Vice President Dick] Cheney had met with three senior Republicans on the Senate Armed Services Committee to urge them to block legislation that would prevent the continued ‘cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment’ of detainees by the U.S. military.” – Eugene Jarecki, The American Way of War, Pages 78-79 […]
In an appearance on Frontline on July 19, 2005, “When asked why President Bush would prefer that Geneva law strictures not apply, John Yoo, who had been a Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Bush administration and primary author of the infamous Yoo-Delahunty 2002 memo, responded: ‘Think about what you want to do when you […]
“In a July [18] 2005 report, the respected British Royal Institute of International Affairs concluded that backing the United States in the war in Iraq has put Britain more at risk from terror attacks. Although the British government understandably rejected the report’s conclusions, analysts argue that Britain has suffered by playing ‘pillion passenger’ to the […]
“Perhaps the biggest and most serious aspect of the American failure in Iraq was highlighted in an 18 July 2005 paper published by Chatham House (formerly the Royal Institute of International Affairs). International security experts noted that the situation in Iraq had provided ‘a boost to the al Qaeda network’s propaganda, recruitment and fundraising, caused […]
From information in a Boston Globe article on July 17, 2005: “According to a study by the Israeli scholar Reuven Paz, who analyzed the biographies of 154 foreigners who died in Iraq, ‘The vast majority of [non-Iraqi] Arabs killed in Iraq have never taken part in any terrorist activity prior to their arrival in Iraq.’ […]
“The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have already cost taxpayers $314 billion, and the Congressional Budget Office projects additional expenses of perhaps $450 billion over the next 10 years. …’Osama (bin Laden) doesn’t have to win; he will just bleed us to death,’ said Michael Scheuer, a former counterterrorism official at the CIA who led […]
“Formal charges against Saddam and a number of co-defendants, including his half-brother Barazan Ibrahim and Taha Yassin Ramadhan, were filed on 17 July [2005] by the Iraq Special Tribunal, in relation to the 1982 massacres in the town of Dujail.” – Ali A. Allawi, The Occupation of Iraq, Page 432 […]
“By this summer [2005], Internet trackers such as the SITE [Search for International Terrorist Entities] Institute have recorded an average of nine online statements from the Iraq branch of al Qaeda every day, 180 statements in the first three weeks of July [2005]. [Al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-] Zarqawi has gone ‘from […]
In July 2005, the Council on Foreign Relations release a report titled, ‘In the Wake of War: Improving U.S. Post-Conflict Capabilities.’ It read: ” ‘The stark reality is that the United States does not have the right structural capacity to stabilize and rebuild nations. Responsibility is diffuse and authority is uncertain. The proper roles of […]
“Conditions at Guantánamo continued to worsen. In July 2005, fifty-two prisoners went on a hunger strike, refusing all food. By September the number rose to two hundred, and U.S. guards began to force-feed the prisoners.” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.] – Ahmed Rashid, Descent Into Chaos, Page 313 […]